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Treat Quotes

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When you start to treat the light weights like heavy weights, the heavy weights will go up a lot easier  (Treat Quotes) Cancer begins and ends with people. In the midst of scientific abstraction, it is sometimes possible to forget this one basic fact. Doctors treat diseases but they also treat people, and this precondition of their professional existence sometimes pulls them in two directions at once  (Treat Quotes) Treat everyone on the organization with respect and dignity whether it be the janitor or the president  (Treat Quotes) I grew up with the thought that I wanted to treat people the way I’d like to be treated, and I think if you do that, it’s pretty hard to go wrong  (Treat Quotes) If you want to treat an illness that has no easy cure, first of all, treat them with hope  (Treat Quotes) The true test of faith is how we treat those who can do nothing for us in return  (Treat Quotes) If you treat staff as your equal, they’ll roll their sleeves up to get the job done  (Treat Quotes) Loving your child also means respecting him as a person. Treat him with the same courtesy as would a friend  (Treat Quotes) As we live our human lives, let us be like the water. Let us be conscious of the flow. Let us not forget the great ground of being that draws us on through life. Let us live in a knowing hope, aware that all being is in transition, that all movement is back to the source. Let us treat those around us as reminders of our illusionary individuality. We know that they are us and we are them connected in ways we cannot fathom. Let us grow in compassion for all beings, for they share our journey  (Treat Quotes) Make no man your friend before inquiring how he has used his former friends; for you must expect him to treat you as he has treated them. Be slow to give your friendship, but when you have given it, strive to make it lasting; for it is as reprehensible to make many changes in one’s associates as to have no friends at all. Neither test your friends to your own injury nor be willing to forego a test of your companions  (Treat Quotes) Together, the property rights and public choice schools show only that, if you start by assuming a purely individualistic model of human behavior and treat politics as if it were a pale imitation of the market, democracy will, indeed, make no sense  (Treat Quotes) Treat your elders as elders, and extend it to the elders of others; treat your young ones as young ones, and extend it to the young ones of others; then you can turn the whole world in the palm of your hand  (Treat Quotes) I don’t have time for hobbies. At the end of the day, I treat my job as a hobby. It’s something I love doing  (Treat Quotes) How do children learn to correct their mistakes? By watching how you correct yours. How do children learn to overcome their failures? By watching how you overcome yours. How do children learn to treat themselves with forgiveness? By watching you forgive yourself  (Treat Quotes) When will we make the same breakthroughs in the way we treat each other as we have made in technology?  (Treat Quotes) Even if your competitor is still small in size or weak, you should take him seriously and treat him as a giant. Likewise, even if your competitor is massive in size, you shouldn’t regard yourself as a weakling  (Treat Quotes) You should treat your marriage like a business that you wouldn’t want to let fail  (Treat Quotes) It is not that we are short of time... It is the way that we treat time, even the way that we think about it. A time revolution.. is the fastest way to make a giant leap in both happiness and effectiveness  (Treat Quotes) Now, should we treat women as independent agents, responsible for themselves? Of course. But being responsible has nothing to do with being raped. Women don’t get raped because they were drinking or took drugs. Women do not get raped because they weren’t careful enough. Women get raped because someone raped them  (Treat Quotes) People are rivers, always ready to move from one state of being into another. It is not fair, to treat people as if they are finished beings. Everyone is always becoming and unbecoming  (Treat Quotes) It is a well known phenomenon that the same amateur who can conduct the middle game quite creditably, is usually perfectly helpless in the end game. One of the principal requisites of good chess is the ability to treat both the middle and end game equally well  (Treat Quotes) What we need are lots of girls who aren’t as good as us, who’ll treat us with the proper respect and reverance  (Treat Quotes) You can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it  (Treat Quotes) If you want to change the way others treat you, you should first change the way you treat yourself. Unless you learn to love yourself, fully and sincerely, there is no way you can be loved. Once you achieve that stage, however, be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses  (Treat Quotes) Children are coming to school with trauma, everyday trauma, that they live under: violence in the homes, alcoholism in the community, unemployment thats 80 percent, not just during the recession. We need to help treat that before they can even go sit in a class and learn about math  (Treat Quotes) My goal is to teach readers how to treat and respect themselves and each other in an entertaining way. I do that in all of my books  (Treat Quotes) Obstacles do not appear in your way in order to stop you. Rather, they appear in order to strengthen and hone you and your plans. They are not your enemy. They are your secret ally, but only if you treat them as friendly forces of nature  (Treat Quotes) One the one hand, our economists treat human beings as rational actors making choices to maximize their own economic benefit. On the other hand, the same companies that hire those economists also pay for advertising campaigns that use the raw materials of myth and magic to encourage people to act against their own best interests, whether it’s a matter of buying overpriced fizzy sugar water or the much more serious matter of continuing to support the unthinking pursuit of business as usual in the teeth of approaching disaster  (Treat Quotes) Mind your own business and don’t eat junk food. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated, work hard and love what you do  (Treat Quotes) If we treat each other as if we are geniuses, poets and artists, we have a better chance of becoming that on stage  (Treat Quotes)
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