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Treated Quotes

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Black patients were treated much later in their disease process. They were often not given the same kind of pain management that white patients would have gotten and they died more often of diseases  (Treated Quotes) Often doctors didn’t even tell you what was wrong with you. They just treated you, and sent you home  (Treated Quotes) I don’t think that left to its own devices, capitalism moves along smoothly and everyone gets treated fairly in the process. Capitalism is like a child: if you want the child to grow up free and productive, somebody’s got to look over the shoulder of that child  (Treated Quotes) The whole drive of western culture, the part of it which is serious, is towards an extreme objectification. It’s carried to the point where the human subject is treated almost as if it’s dirt in the works of a watch  (Treated Quotes) It was not uncommon for the children to be told they were being treated this way because it was their bad karma and they must have hurt a child in a past life  (Treated Quotes) To be remembered after we are dead, is but a poor recompense for being treated with contempt while we are living  (Treated Quotes) I was just absolutely exhausted. The media said I’ve been treated for a nervous breakdown. all that stuff I just took as people taking the opportunity when you’re down to give you a kick  (Treated Quotes) That’s what my mother did. and my father was the first person she’d met who treated her kindly. She was terrified of men, and she married a very meek, kind, dear man. and she had the upper hand. She ruled the roost  (Treated Quotes) My parents were divorcing, and I think at certain times of your life you do attract the wrong type of person. You don’t know any better, and you don’t know how you’d like to be treated  (Treated Quotes) No, you cannot expect people to understand the higher reaches of philosophy. Culture should be taken out of the hands of the dollar chasers. We need a national subsidy for literature. It is disgraceful that artists are treated like peddlers and that art works have to be sold like soap  (Treated Quotes) He does not deserve your praise, but he deserves to be treated as if someday he might  (Treated Quotes) We always want someone we’ve treated badly to be gay. It’s less upsetting  (Treated Quotes) In all earlier civilizations, it should be remembered, commerce was treated as a narrow activity and by no means the senior sector in society  (Treated Quotes) When we treat our neighbors as they deserve to be treated, we make them even worse; when we treat them as if they were who we wish they were, we improve them  (Treated Quotes) The community of man should be treated in the same way you would treat your community of brothers or fellow citizens  (Treated Quotes) We don’t want to be treated any differently, and we want to continue with our lives and our careers  (Treated Quotes) The particular article ought in my opinion to be treated with absolute contempt. It is too vile to touch  (Treated Quotes) Too many security officers live day to day. They just want to be treated with dignity  (Treated Quotes) Maybe I should treat you the same way you’ve treated me. Then maybe you will understand how much it hurts  (Treated Quotes) The system of transportation is not coherent; it is not treated as integral. Roads compete with with railroads and airlines in chaotic fashion, and at immense cost to the nation  (Treated Quotes) People are treated for mental disorders, they go back to work and they earn wages again. We can see how their earnings go up. But how do they feel about themselves and the world? That has a value  (Treated Quotes) In my judgment, my buildings are less likely to burn to the ground during one of your visits if you are disoriented from being treated like a sultan  (Treated Quotes) It is hard to grow up in a society in which one’s important problems are treated as nonexistent. It is impossible to belong to it, it is hard to fight to change it  (Treated Quotes) I’m not the youngest person at the table anymore. I’m not the young precocious one. I feel like I’m engaging with people in a different way now. I am a woman. I’m treated with respect, as an equal  (Treated Quotes) When I think of our condition, my heart is heavy. I see men of my own race treated as outlaws and driven from country to country, or shot down like animals  (Treated Quotes) Remember you have to be comfortable. Golf is not a life or death situation. It’s just a game and should be treated as such. Stay loose  (Treated Quotes) Most people in big companies are administered, not led. They are treated as personnel, not people  (Treated Quotes) From the moment one sets up for an author, one must be treated as ceremoniously, that is as unfaithfully, as a king’s favorite or a king  (Treated Quotes) True politeness is perfect ease and freedom. It simply consists in treating others just as you love to be treated yourself  (Treated Quotes) If we use no ceremony towards others, we shall be treated without any. People are soon tired of paying trifling attentions to those who receive them with coldness, and return them with neglect  (Treated Quotes)
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