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Treated Quotes

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People are too various to be treated so lightly. I am too various to be trusted  (Treated Quotes) I thought perhaps it should be recognized that religious people, including fundamentalists, are quite intelligent, many of them are highly educated, and they should be treated with complete respect  (Treated Quotes) If you’re treated a certain way you become a certain kind of person. If certain things are described to you as being real they’re real for you whether they’re real or not  (Treated Quotes) We should have a system of licensing and registration, we should treat firearms the same way that automobiles are treated so that people have to pass a safety test  (Treated Quotes) The Germans sell chemical weapons to Iran and Iraq. The wounded are then sent to Germany to be treated. Veritable human guinea pigs  (Treated Quotes) In some cases, some people do get depressed in the middle of their grief, and they really need to be treated for depression  (Treated Quotes) But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response?  (Treated Quotes) Mania is as bad as it gets. If not treated, it will become worse, more frequent, and harder to treat  (Treated Quotes) ‘The Simpsons’ appearances were great fun. But I don’t take them too seriously. I think ‘The Simpsons’ have treated my disability responsibly  (Treated Quotes) Window-breaking, when Englishmen do it, is regarded as honest expression of political opinion. Window-breaking, when Englishwomen do it, is treated as a crime  (Treated Quotes) Startling, and alarming to many, is the conclusion that follows from these data that if all people were treated the same, most average race differences would not disappear  (Treated Quotes) I always treated writing as a profession, never as a hobby. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will  (Treated Quotes) I am treated as evil by people who claim that they are being oppressed because they are not allowed to force me to practice what they do  (Treated Quotes) The general public knows practically nothing about the prison and appears to be little concerned about how it is managed and how prisoners are treated  (Treated Quotes) Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference we should each be treated with appropriate respect  (Treated Quotes) Poets are regarded as handicapped writers whose work must be treated with a tender condescension, such as one accords the athletic achievements of basketball players confined to wheelchairs  (Treated Quotes) The temple is a place of holiness. It is the most sacred and holy place on earth and should be treated with the greatest degree of reverence and respect  (Treated Quotes) Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame. I’m also a great believer in treating others as you would like to be treated  (Treated Quotes) My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals  (Treated Quotes) You are treating yourself in present time much as you were treated by others in the past. And you punish yourself far more than anyone would ever punish you  (Treated Quotes) Being aloof, gruff, or stern never got anyone anywhere. Who wants to be treated like that? Certainly not you. And surely not the people you meet  (Treated Quotes) If no one else has ever told you this before, I will tell it to you one more time and hope you believe it and never forget it for the rest of your life: You deserve to be treated well  (Treated Quotes) We must neither behave as children by resisting honesty, nor allow ourselves to be treated as children by having honesty withheld  (Treated Quotes) A potato is a poor thing, poorly treated. More often than not it is cooked in so unthinking and ignorant a manner as to make one feel that it has never before been encountered in the kitchen  (Treated Quotes) As we continue to fight the War on Terror, it is imperative that we protect America’s fallen heroes by ensuring that they are treated with respect, while being laid to rest  (Treated Quotes) Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury  (Treated Quotes) Labor wants pride and joy in doing good work, a sense of making or doing something beautiful or useful - to be treated with dignity and respect as brother and sister  (Treated Quotes) More than anything, I think as our country matures, we recognize that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity  (Treated Quotes) So that, to me, is important that audiences are treated with an amount of respect toward their intelligence. Most Hollywood films don’t respect their intelligence  (Treated Quotes) We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races  (Treated Quotes)
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