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You have a right to be treated professionally at work, and it’s your supervisor’s job to make sure all their employees can perform their duties comfortably and safely  (Treated Quotes) We stay as a team. I might be England captain, but that doesn’t mean I get treated differently  (Treated Quotes) Sarah Palin is treated like a bimbo sometimes, but she has never given the public the respect they deserve. She acts silly and doesn’t know stuff. She didn’t even finish her term  (Treated Quotes) People hate when you show them how it feels to be treated the way they treat you  (Treated Quotes) Why is a woman to be treated differently? Woman suffrage will succeed, despite this miserable guerilla opposition  (Treated Quotes) All girls wants is to feel beautiful, be loved, and to be treated with respect  (Treated Quotes) Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given  (Treated Quotes) Men cannot be treated as units in operations of political arithmetic because they behave like the symbols for zero and the infinite, which dislocate all mathematical operations  (Treated Quotes) When language is treated beautifully and interestingly, it can feel good for the body: It’s nourishing; it’s rejuvenating  (Treated Quotes) If you’re not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you subconsciously marked yourself down  (Treated Quotes) Kyoya: I don’t like this food. But do you think I’d be so inhuman as to complain after you treated me? That’s a rude assumption  (Treated Quotes) Monotony is not to be worshipped as a virtue; nor the marriage bed treated as a coffin for security rather than a couch from which to rise refreshed  (Treated Quotes) I’ve been replaced, lied to, cheated on, forgotten, and treated like I’m worthless. I’m used to it. What I’m not used to is finding someone who actually cares  (Treated Quotes) If I treated you the way you treated me, I promise you wouldn’t have stuck around the way I did  (Treated Quotes) Girls are always saying how they are getting treated badly. Well, stop falling for the boys and start looking for a man  (Treated Quotes) Treat people as you would like to be treated. Karma’s only a bitch if you are  (Treated Quotes) The first requirement in using statistics is that the facts treated shall be reduced to comparable units  (Treated Quotes) I very often think about doing things that I would want other artists to do. Like, if I’m a fan of whoever, I want to be treated a certain way. So I realized it came off almost elitist to ignore the whole world of Twitter and Facebook  (Treated Quotes) Here’s my pet peeve: The not-so-unstated rule that all women are only to be treated as sexual objects and gawked at-you know, sitting up against a car, washing something, bending over, licking something. That just drives me crazy  (Treated Quotes) It’s terrible, the way obese children and adults are treated in this country [USA]. And I’m not leaving this Earth until that is changed  (Treated Quotes) I have a treasure trove of Baker memories, all of which reinforce my sense of Howard Baker as one of the most decent people with whom I have worked. While I was simply a young staffer, he never treated me or my colleagues as anything else but equals  (Treated Quotes) People don’t want to serve apprenticeships any more. Kids expect to be paid and treated really well and all that guff before they’ve achieved anything. It doesn’t work like that. You have to spend five or six years being relatively rubbish and put up with it. For that you don’t deserve to be getting lottery money  (Treated Quotes) George Jones is a national treasure and should be treated accordingly. A unique style so often emulated even inadvertently  (Treated Quotes) I feel we need to stop worrying about pro-gay movements and start worrying about fundamentalist movements. It’s not just about how gay people are treated - it’s about how people are treated in general  (Treated Quotes) [Europe has] this tradition of self revelation in popular music. We have it here - it’s called Country Western Music... I think that’s where the deeper and more complex subjects are treated  (Treated Quotes) There’s a reason survivors choose not to go to the police, and that’s because they’re treated as the criminals. The rapists are innocent until proven guilty, but survivors are guilty until proven innocent - at least in the eyes of the police  (Treated Quotes) We tie ourselves in knots when we act as if democracy is good for the United States and Israel but not for the Arab world. For far too long, we’ve treated the Arab world as just an oil field  (Treated Quotes) America does not like losers. Look how we treated those soldiers who came back from Vietnam. Because they lost. America likes winners  (Treated Quotes) I am certain that a solution of the general problem of peace must rest on broad and basic understanding on the part of its peoples. Great single endeavors like a League of Nations, a United Nations, and undertakings of that character, are of great importance and in fact absolutely necessary, but they must be treated as steps toward the desired end  (Treated Quotes) I live in New York. I have an amazing apartment over there; I have this amazing life over there that’s full of glamour. I get treated like a queen over there - and that’s one of the reasons I love coming home. It’s very grounding  (Treated Quotes)
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