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Florenz Ziegfeld, to us and our family, was just a delightful person. My sisters, Mary and Pearl, my brother Charlie and I all worked for him, and he treated us just beautifully, almost like a father. When I went with my mother up to his office, he was always gentlemanly and kindly. He was sort of a quiet person  (Treated Quotes) I don’t think films about elderly people have been made very much. I think of Cocoon and Driving Miss Daisy. But they always seem to be fairly successful, so it’s a bit baffling as to why everybody has to be treated as if they were five-years-old  (Treated Quotes) Whenever I spoke with anybody who said they did not have a problem in the military it was because their commander treated them well. Every single time it was about the commander as to whether they had a good or bad experience  (Treated Quotes) Ever since Sourav became the captain, I do not feel like a youngster in the team any more. Everybody is treated equally and Sourav himself is extremely approachable and a pillar of strength. Sourav stood by me when I was struggling. I owe a great deal to him for standing by me at the most important time. I can’t express my gratitude to him in words  (Treated Quotes) The covenant between Jews and God was conditional on their respect for human rights. The reason they were expelled from the land was that they were more interested in money and power and treated the poor and aliens with contempt  (Treated Quotes) There are clearly environmental factors that can decrease the incidence and death from cancer. I would still say though that the majority of cancers cannot be prevented at this point, but they can be treated and they can be treated two major ways  (Treated Quotes) Essentially what’s going to determine how you succeed in New York is how people feel about the space, how delicious the food is, how they perceive the value and, most important of all, how they feel treated. My understanding is Stephen Starr is exceptionally good at all of this and his ability to create a transporting experience  (Treated Quotes) Donald Trump is so egregious in the way he talks about women, the way he allegedly treated women  (Treated Quotes) Guaranteed, full stop, nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law  (Treated Quotes) The rules and principles of case law have never been treated as final truths but as working hypotheses, continually retested in those great laboratories of the law, the courts of justice. Every new case is an experiment, and if the accepted rule which seems applicable yields a result which is felt to be unjust, the rule is reconsidered  (Treated Quotes) I don’t want to be a historical action figure or treated like I’m dead. Like one of those people where they go, ‘Oh, isn’t she dead?’ And then I walk up, and they’re like, ‘Whoa.’ I can’t really complain... because I’ve made myself into a historical action figure. I was like, ‘Yeah, come on in!’  (Treated Quotes) Kings had their clowns, the people their actors and musicians. Shakespeare was scheduled as a servant. It is thus that successful stupidity has always treated genius.  (Treated Quotes) Then turn your eyes back on me,and tell me that Cathy and I are still children to be treated with condescension, and are incapable of understanding adult subjects.  (Treated Quotes) For those who have come here illegally, they might have a transition time to allow them to set their affairs in order. And then go back home and get in line with everybody else. And if they get in line and they apply to become a citizen and get a green card, they will be treated like everybody else.  (Treated Quotes) The Irish were treated horribly, even here in Boston. For example, in the late nineteenth century they were treated pretty much like African Americans. You could find signs here in Boston in the restaurants saying No dogs and Irish.  (Treated Quotes) The African-American community, the community within the inner cities has been so badly treated  (Treated Quotes) Violence against women is still treated as a lesser crime. Armed groups turn it into a weapon of choice because of near total impunity.  (Treated Quotes) In the end, the only thing that really matters is how we treated all living things  (Treated Quotes) The Mohawks have on all occasions shown their zeal and loyalty to the Great King; yet they have been very badly treated by his people.  (Treated Quotes) I always treated writing as a profession, never as a hobby. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.  (Treated Quotes) Mostly I am sorry for the way I thought of other people. Like a good general, I had treated everyone who wasn’t with me as against me.  (Treated Quotes) I was a cleaner while at university. The job wasn’t bad, but I was amazed by how badly cleaners are treated - how disrespected they are by the people they work for.  (Treated Quotes) My family was very unorthodox. My mother was very eccentric and amazing. She always treated us like adults.  (Treated Quotes) As an American citizen, I’m not asking for any special treatment - the only thing I ask and want is to be treated just like an Illegal Alien.  (Treated Quotes) The American taxpayer should not be treated more shabbily than debtors from other nations and we should be encouraging other nations to help rebuild Iraq’s economy.  (Treated Quotes) In 2004, President Bush gave Prime Minister Sharon certain guarantees about American policy, but the Obama administration treated those as a kind of private letter having no binding policy impact.  (Treated Quotes) I really loved animals when I was little - my friend and I had an imaginary vet’s office; we would mime doing surgery on animals. We treated more injuries than illnesses - fixing with a baby bear with a broken leg, removing a tumor. Of course, our surgeries would take about five seconds; that’s how good we were.  (Treated Quotes) I have been trying to create a campaign to have our country make an apology for slavery, for the way that blacks were treated before the Civil War and after the Civil War.  (Treated Quotes) Before I started a company, I was an employee with a bad attitude. I was always felt like, bosses are stupid, and people weren’t well treated.  (Treated Quotes) It’s so different when you change your hair color, you’re treated so differently. It’s a very funny experience. It’s fun, I love changing up my hair.  (Treated Quotes)
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