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Treated Quotes

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I think it is a good exercise to ask oneself, How would I have wanted to be treated?  (Treated Quotes) A woman’s decision to carry a baby to term knowing that she will not reap the fruits of motherhood should be treated as an act of bravery and selflessness - the ultimate standards of good motherhood.  (Treated Quotes) When journalism is treated as just another widget in a commercial enterprise, the focus isn’t on truth, verification or public good, but productivity and output.  (Treated Quotes) To this day, just always treat people the way you want to be treated. Whether it’s family or friends or co-workers, I think it’s the most important thing. Whether you have success or don’t have it, whether you’re a good person is all that matters.  (Treated Quotes) Regardless if what you do in the world, you do it good. You do your best, and you show up on time, and you leave and you do a good job, and you treat people the way you want to be treated.  (Treated Quotes) Every time I got hurt, the person who treated me said that. ‘It is more attractive to admit that you’re in pain.’ Because of that person, I learned how to speak with honesty. Without making calculations about what the other person’s thinking.  (Treated Quotes) I can definitely be tough when pushed. In relationships, you have to take a stand for who you are and how you’re willing to be treated.  (Treated Quotes) Not only a great game, ‘Uncharted 2’ raised the bar for storytelling for the medium. The game treated action as a part of the overall story rather than a way to move from plot point to plot point.  (Treated Quotes) Simple ingredients, treated with respect... put them together and you will always have a great dish.  (Treated Quotes) The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.  (Treated Quotes) The truth. Dumbledore sighed. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.  (Treated Quotes) For many centuries, suicides were treated like criminals by the society. That is part of the terrible legacy that has come down into society’s method of handling suicide recovery. Now we have to fight off the demons that have been hanging around suicide for centuries.  (Treated Quotes) I hated to be treated as a child. I thought it was the worst situation.  (Treated Quotes) You’re in the public eye and you get treated better than royalty, and then you’re dropped down to earth with nothing. You may not have any money for rent, and you have no friends because they all think you’re big and famous now.  (Treated Quotes) If people can talk about having breast cancer, why can’t people who have mental illness talk about mental illness? Until we’re able to do that, we’re not going to be treated with the same kind of respect for our diseases as other people.  (Treated Quotes) I was lucky enough to have the talent to play baseball. That’s how I treated my career. I didn’t think I was anybody special, anybody different.  (Treated Quotes) You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people. But until you heal the wounds of your past, you are going to bleed.  (Treated Quotes) I have received so many messages of support from across the country - women and men speaking out because they agree that contraception needs to be treated as a basic health care service.  (Treated Quotes) From a public health point of view, still the overwhelming problem is that people are not treated enough for depression; depression remains under treated.  (Treated Quotes) We cannot eradicate global drug markets, but we can certainly regulate them as we have done with alcohol and tobacco markets. Drug abuse, alcoholism and tobacco should be treated as public health problems, not criminal justice issues.  (Treated Quotes) I go to the healthier foods that are less chemically treated. I am drinking lots of water to get rid of the toxins in my body. It’s a natural flushing. Water flushes your system and is also very good for your skin.  (Treated Quotes) As a Western woman in the Middle East, I am often put in a different category. I am sort of like the third sex. I am not treated like a man. I am not treated like a woman. I am just treated like a journalist. That is usually really helpful.  (Treated Quotes)
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