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Treated Quotes

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Treat your old parents as you would like to be treated by your children later  (Treated Quotes) Politeness is a desire to be treated politely, and to be esteemed polite oneself  (Treated Quotes) The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated  (Treated Quotes) People who don’t fit the mold are treated differently than those who do  (Treated Quotes) Your value should not be determined by how somebody else has treated you  (Treated Quotes) The infinite in mathematics is alway unruly unless it is properly treated  (Treated Quotes) Children who are treated as if they are uneducable almost invariably become uneducable  (Treated Quotes) My teachers treated me as a diamond in the rough, someone who needed smoothing  (Treated Quotes) To be treated with mercy, some must reveal their handicaps, while others must conceal them  (Treated Quotes) Of course, individuals vary greatly within each racial group and should be treated as such  (Treated Quotes) I’m tired of being treated like a second-class citizen  (Treated Quotes) God, it’s nice to be treated like a man  (Treated Quotes) Home is the place where we are treated the best, but grumble the most  (Treated Quotes) Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess  (Treated Quotes) We are treated with such generosity of spirit  (Treated Quotes) The fans treated me royally  (Treated Quotes) All angry persons are to be treated, by the prudent, as children  (Treated Quotes) Animals used for food are treated like unfeeling machinery  (Treated Quotes) My dad treated Marilyn Monroe more like his daughter than me  (Treated Quotes) You are mostly treated by others, the way you deserve  (Treated Quotes) It’s important to me that everyone is treated with respect  (Treated Quotes) The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated  (Treated Quotes) No. You won't do. You've treated me nicely, yes, but only because you find me curious and amusing. It made me feel so lonely, somehow... I'm really just a foolish and useless person  (Treated Quotes) All breathing, existing, living, sentient creatures should not be slain nor treated with violence, nor abused, nor tormented, nor driven away. This is the pure unchangeable law  (Treated Quotes) Leisure was the sine qua non of the full Renaissance. The feudal nobility, having lost its martial function, sought diversion all over Europe in cultivated pastimes: sonneteering, the lute, games and acrostics, travel, gentlemanly studies and sports, hunting and hawking, treated as arts  (Treated Quotes) Maxim for life: you get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you  (Treated Quotes) Women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently  (Treated Quotes) The nineteenth-century wave of feminism was started by older women who had been through the radicalizing experience of getting married and becoming the legal chattel of their husbands (or the equally radicalizing experience of not getting married and being treated as spinsters)  (Treated Quotes) In trying to teach children a great deal in a short time, they are treated not as though the race they were to run was for life, but simply a three mile heat  (Treated Quotes) They always say treat someone how you want to be treated, nope, treat them how they treat you  (Treated Quotes)
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