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The world belongs primarily to the dead, and we only rent it from them for a little while. They created it, they wrote its literature and its songs, and they are deeply invested in how children are treated, because the children are the ones who will keep it going. The idea that each of us has the right to change everything is a deep insult to them  (Treated Quotes) If ever we needed in this country to adopt a new attitude towards homosexuality, this is the time. Instead of treating it as a crime, and driving it underground, we ought to recognize it for what it is: it’s a mental illness, it’s a psychiatric condition which ought to be treated sympathetically by psychiatrists and social workers  (Treated Quotes) It is a common observation that a science first begins to be exact when it is quantitatively treated. What are called the exact sciences are no others than the mathematical ones  (Treated Quotes) With businesses, you go to the same places because you like the service, you like the people and they take care of you. They greet you with a smile. That’s how people want to be treated, with respect. That’s what I tell my employees.. customer service is very important  (Treated Quotes) Students using astrophysical textbooks remain essentially ignorant of even the existence of plasma concepts, despite the fact that some of them have been known for half a century. The conclusion is that astrophysics is too important to be left in the hands of astrophysicists who have gotten their main knowledge from these textbooks. Earthbound and space telescope data must be treated by scientists who are familiar with laboratory and magnetospheric physics and circuit theory, and of course with modern plasma theory  (Treated Quotes) The more I study the things of the mind the more mathematical I find them. In them as in mathematics it is a question of quantities; they must be treated with precision. I have never had more satisfaction than in proving this in the realms of art, politics and history  (Treated Quotes) The way he treated me and the way I treated him, the way we took care of each other and our family, while he lived. That is so much more important than the idea I will see him someday  (Treated Quotes) Women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer can learn a tremendous amount from women who have already been treated  (Treated Quotes) Marriage is treated by all civilized societies as a peculiar and favored contract. It is in its origin a contract of natural law... It is the parent, and not the child of society; the source of civility and a sort of seminary of the republic  (Treated Quotes) I treated despair in terms of hierarchy: if there was a more important pain in the world, it meant my own was negated. I thought I simply had to accept the fact that I was ugly, and that to feel despair about it was simply wrong  (Treated Quotes) I spent five years of my life being treated for cancer, but since then I’ve spent fifteen years being treated for nothing other than looking different from everyone else. It was the pain from that, from feeling ugly, that I always viewed as the great tragedy of my life. The fact that I had cancer seemed minor in comparison  (Treated Quotes) I believe that everyone should be treated equal. That’s the way I was raised, and that’s the way I live my life  (Treated Quotes) Minks are mean little critters. Vicous, horrible little animals who eat their own. They’re not beavers. I wouldn’t wear beavers. I’d rather have a mink coat made of mean little critters that are killed in a very nice way and treated nicely for their short, mean lives so that I could keep warm  (Treated Quotes) When you’re bullied in high school, even if it’s the smallest amount, or you’re actually tortured, I feel like everybody carries that with them. They always think of that one person who treated them badly in high school  (Treated Quotes) Do you realize how much better the world would be if we all just treated each other the same way black dudes treat magicians?  (Treated Quotes) I treated her like a pair of gloves. When I was cold, I called her up  (Treated Quotes) What I don’t like are arrogant people. We’re all equal. I don’t like it when a person assumes to be better. It angers me a little. There are a lot of people like that, but the world keeps turning. I also don’t like lies. I’m very honest. I’m always going to tell the truth. I don’t lie. I treat my friends the way I want to be treated  (Treated Quotes) He treated me like a son and I let him down. I must take some responsibility for him getting the sack. I regret letting him down so much  (Treated Quotes) ... the growing child must not be treated by those rigid rules of criminal procedure which confessedly fail to prevent offenses on the part of adults or cure adult offenders  (Treated Quotes) Be persecuted, rather than be a persecutor. Be crucified, rather than be a crucifier. Be treated unjustly, rather than treat anyone unjustly. Be oppressed, rather than be an oppressor. Be gentle rather than zealous. Lay hold of goodness, rather than justice  (Treated Quotes) Soil is a resource, a living, breathing entity that, if treated properly, will maintain itself. It’s our lifeline for survival. When it has finally been depleted, the human population will disappear... Project you imagination into the soil below you next time you go into the garden. Think with compassion of the life that exists there. Think, the drama, the sexuality, the harvesting, the work that carries on ceaselessly. Think about the meaning of being a steward for the earth  (Treated Quotes) All things are already complete in us. There is no greater delight than to be conscious of right within us. If one strives to treat others as he would be treated by them, he shall not fail to come near the perfect life  (Treated Quotes) No people without a government of their own can expect to be treated on the same level as people of independent sovereign states. It is far better to be free to govern or misgovern yourself than to be governed by anybody else  (Treated Quotes) Perhaps the individual is so viable a God because he can actually understand the ceremonial significance of the way he is treated, and quite on his own can respond dramatically to what is proffered him. In contacts between such deities there is no need for middlemen; each of these gods is able to serve as his own priest  (Treated Quotes) Be respectful. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Respect the lowest rank and the highest rank and you’ll never get in trouble  (Treated Quotes) Evil, which is our companion all our days, is not to be treated as a foe. It is wrong to cocker vice, but we grow narrow and pithless if we are furtive about it, for this is at best a pretense, and the sage knows good and evil are kindred. The worst of men harm others, and the best injure themselves  (Treated Quotes) Ireland that has wronged no man, that has injured no land, that has sought no dominion over others. Ireland is treated today among other nations of the world as if she was a convicted criminal. If it be treason to fight against such an unnatural fate as this, then I am proud to be a rebel and shall cling to my rebellion with the last drop of my blood  (Treated Quotes) After I saw how badly animals were treated to en up in our plates, how bad it was for our health and for the environment, I decided to stop this nonsense and educate others. After all, animals can’t talk and they need people that have notoriety like me to be their voices  (Treated Quotes) Friendship is usually treated... as a tough... thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error; it may die in an hour of a single unwise word  (Treated Quotes) I used to be treated like an idiot, now I’m treated like an idiot savant  (Treated Quotes)
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