Tree Quotes

Text Quotes
As to our garden and yard, we have all the woods. And the wilderness is our only cloister, for our house is like an oak tree planted therein (Tree Quotes)
So the stimulus didn’t just waste your money; it planted the seeds from which the poisonous tree of death panels will grow (Tree Quotes)
Sometimes I think: I am older than this tree, older than this bench, older than the rain. and yet. I’m not older than the rain. It’s been falling for years and after I go it will keep on falling (Tree Quotes)
I was a lovely tree, in thy presence, oscar, with all my branches round me; but thy death came like a blast from the desert, and laid my green head low (Tree Quotes)
The more an idea is developed, the more concise becomes its expression: The more a tree is pruned, the better is the fruit (Tree Quotes)
The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat (Tree Quotes)
If poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree it had better not come at all (Tree Quotes)
Men, you know you are all marksmen, you can take a squirrel from the tallest tree. Don’t fire till you see the whites of their eyes (Tree Quotes)
Lord save us all from old age and broken health and a hope tree that has lost the faculty of putting out blossoms (Tree Quotes)
Would that life were like the shadow cast by a wall or a tree, but it is like the shadow of a bird in flight (Tree Quotes)
To rise above tree line is to go above thought, and after, the descent back into birdsong, bog orchids, willows, and firs is to sink into the preliterate parts of ourselves (Tree Quotes)
Life isn’t one straight line. Most of us have to be transplanted, like a tree, before we blossom (Tree Quotes)
Top management is supposed to be a tree full of owls hooting when management heads into the wrong part of the forest. I’m still unpersuaded they even know where the forest is (Tree Quotes)
People at the top of the tree are those without qualifications to detain them at the bottom (Tree Quotes)
If the man who paints only the tree, or flower, or other surface he sees before him were an artist, the king of artists would be the photographer. It is for the artist to do something beyond this (Tree Quotes)
Words are the leaves of the tree of language, of which, if some fall away, a new succession takes their place (Tree Quotes)
What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure (Tree Quotes)
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends (Tree Quotes)
The friendship between me and you I will not compare to a chair; for that the rains might rust, or the falling tree might break (Tree Quotes)
The tree of the world hath its poisons, but beareth two fruits of exquisite flavor, the nectar of poetry and the society of noble men (Tree Quotes)
I see a green tree. And to me it is green. And you would call the tree green also. And we would agree on this. But is the colour you see as green the same colour I see as green? (Tree Quotes)
Now, every field and every tree is in bloom; the woods are now in full leaf, and the year is in its highest beauty (Tree Quotes)
A woman possessing nothing but outward advantages is like a flower without fragrance, a tree without fruit (Tree Quotes)
Dark tree! Still sad when other’s grief is fled, the only constant mourner over the dead (Tree Quotes)
O! Sing unto my roundelay, o! Drop thy briny tear with me. Dance no more at holiday, like a running river be; my love is dead, gone to his death bed all under the willow tree (Tree Quotes)
Depart from the highway, and transplant thyself in some enclosed ground; for it is hard for a tree that stands by the wayside to keep her fruit till it be ripe (Tree Quotes)
The tree that bears no fruit deserves no name; the man of wisdom is the man of years (Tree Quotes)
The world is great; the stars are golden fruit upon a tree all out of reach (Tree Quotes)
People don’t use their eyes. They never see a bird, they see a sparrow. They never see a tree, they see a birch. They see concepts (Tree Quotes)
Many hope that the tree will be felled who hope to gather chips by the fall (Tree Quotes)