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Trees Quotes

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The suburb is a place where someone cuts down all the trees to build houses, and then names the streets after the trees  (Trees Quotes) Human life and objects and trees vibrate with mysterious meanings, which can be deciphered like cuneiform writing. There exists a meaning, hidden from day to day, but accessible in moments of greatest attentiveness, in those moments when consciousness loves the world  (Trees Quotes) There was a man that hated his footprints and his shadow, so one day he thought that if he ran fast enough, his footprints and shadow would not be able to follow him and then he never ever had to look at them again. He ran and he ran as fast as he could, but the shadow and the footprints had no problems keeping up to him. And he ran even faster and all of a sudden he fell dead to the ground. But if he been standing still there hadn’t been any footprints and if he had been resting under a tree his shadow had been swallowed of the trees shadow  (Trees Quotes) It’s common to say that trees come from seeds. But how can a tiny seed create a huge tree? Seeds do not contain the resources need to grow a tree. These must come from the medium or environment within which the tree grows. But the seed does provide something that is crucial : a place where the whole of the tree starts to form. As resources such as water and nutrients are drawn in, the seed organizes the process that generates growth. In a sense, the seed is a gateway through which the future possibility of the living tree emerges  (Trees Quotes) It was one of those winter days that suddenly dream of spring, when the sky is blue and soft and clear, and the wind has dropped its voice and whispers instead of screaming, and the sun is out and the trees look surprised, and over everything there is the faintest, palest tint of green  (Trees Quotes) The lime trees were in bloom. But in the early morning only a faint fragrance drifted through the garden, an airy message, an aromatic echo of the dreams during the short summer night  (Trees Quotes) We know there is gravity because apples fall from trees. We can observe gravity in daily life. If we could throw an apple to the edge of the universe, we would observe it accelerating  (Trees Quotes) Pine trees with low limbs spread over fresh snow made a stronger vault for the spirit than pews and pulpits ever could  (Trees Quotes) I hear hundreds of years of life. I hear wind and rain and fire and beetles. I hear the seasons changing and birds and squirrels. I hear the life of the trees this wood came from  (Trees Quotes) Of the infinite variety of fruits which spring from the bosom of the earth, the trees of the wood are the greatest in dignity  (Trees Quotes) By gathering seed from trees which are close to our homes and close to our hearts, helping them to germinate and grow, and then planting them back into their original landscapes, we can all make a living link between this millennium and the next, a natural bridge from the past to the future  (Trees Quotes) To plant trees is to give body and life to one’s dreams of a better world  (Trees Quotes) May the trees continue to thrive and flourish on this earth, filling our hearts with joy and inspiration  (Trees Quotes) The improvement of forest trees is the work of centuries. So much more the reason for beginning now  (Trees Quotes) Trees are right at the heart of all the necessary debates: ecological, social, economic, political, moral, religious  (Trees Quotes) Let soldiers on manoeuvres plant trees. Give police and criminals a shovel and a thousand seedlings  (Trees Quotes) I thought a forest was made up entirely of trees, but now I know that the foundation lies below ground, in the fungi  (Trees Quotes) Future’s the only flower worth tending in this earth, where I sow my words daily: and you know, these good trees bear fruit round the year, discreetly, moving along the waterways and four seasons of the faithful sun  (Trees Quotes) Since the age of six, I have had a passion for drawing things. Now that I am 75 years, I have finally learned something of the true quality of birds, animals, insects, fishes, and of the vital nature of grasses and trees. By the time I am 89, I shall have made more progress. By the time I am 90, I shall understand the deeper meaning of things. When I am 100, I shall be truly marvelous; and at 110 each dot and each line will possess a life of its own  (Trees Quotes) I am one whose faith is, that love and friendship, with ardent natures, are like those trees of the torrid zone which yield fruit but once, and then die  (Trees Quotes) Race and class are extremely reliable indicators as to where one might find the good stuff, like parks and trees, and where one might find the bad stuff, like power plants and waste facilities  (Trees Quotes) When I first made a grid I happened to be thinking of the innocence of trees and then this grid came into my mind and I thought it represented innocence, and I still do, and so I painted it and then I was satisfied. I thought, this is my vision  (Trees Quotes) Don’t wear fur! Did you know, a single fur coat takes fifteen trees, just for the protest signs?  (Trees Quotes) I stood looking down through the beech trees. When I threw a stone I could count to five before the splash. Then I jumped in a rush of gold to the head, through black and cold, red and cold, brown and warm, giving water the weight and size of myself in order to imagine it, water with my bones, water with my mouth and my understanding. When my body was in some way a wave to swim in, one continuous fin from head to tail, I steered through rapids like a canoe, digging my hands in, keeping just ahead of the river  (Trees Quotes) Hinduism comes closest to being a nature religion. Rivers, rocks, trees, plants, animals, and birds all play their part, both in mythology and everyday worship. This harmony is most evident in remote places like this, and I hope it does not loose its unique character in the ruthless urban advance  (Trees Quotes) To return to my own trees, I went among them often, acknowledging their presence with a touch of my hand against their trunks  (Trees Quotes) My love and I are inventing a country, which we can already see taking shape, as if wheels were passing through yellow mud. But there is a problem: if we put a river in the country, it will thaw and begin flooding. If we put the river on the border, there will be trouble. If we forget about the river, there will be now way out. There is already a sky over that country, waiting for clouds or smoke. Birds have flown into it, too. Each evening more trees fill with their eyes, and what they see we can never erase  (Trees Quotes) When I make a film I’m always in reality among the trees, and among the people like yourselves. There’s no symbolic or conventional filter between me and reality as there is in literature. The cinema is an explosion of my love for reality  (Trees Quotes) We’re all nothing but unified arrangements of atoms and particles, drifting around, enjoying consciousness every now and then for a second or so before splitting up to become bits and pieces of trees and stars and french fries  (Trees Quotes) If your ancestors cut down all the trees, it’s not your fault, but you still don’t live in a forest  (Trees Quotes)
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