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Trees Quotes

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We never could design a building as beautiful as the trees  (Trees Quotes) You will come home before the leaves have fallen from the trees  (Trees Quotes) I get hoes like acorns falling out of trees  (Trees Quotes) Blow kisses to the oak trees and sparrows and elephants and weeds  (Trees Quotes) Without birds, trees would be very lonely and men too!  (Trees Quotes) Suddenly a mist of green on the trees, as quiet as thought  (Trees Quotes) They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum  (Trees Quotes) Eighty percent of air pollution comes from plants and trees  (Trees Quotes) Do you think trees are the new birds? Don’t answer that right away  (Trees Quotes) Lots and lots of trees together, equals big trees!  (Trees Quotes) The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth  (Trees Quotes) Even trees do not die without a groan  (Trees Quotes) To me, trees are living beings and they have their own sort of personalities  (Trees Quotes) Maples are such sociable trees... They’re always rustling and whispering to you  (Trees Quotes) For me exotic means beaches, palm trees and sand and frolicking in the ocean  (Trees Quotes) If you could eat portions of pine trees, you could eliminate corn in many ways  (Trees Quotes) Spring beckons! All things to the call respond; the trees are leaving and cashiers abscond  (Trees Quotes) Alternatives, and particularly desirable alternatives, grow only on imaginary trees  (Trees Quotes) Winter giveth the fields, and the trees so old, their beards of icicles and snow  (Trees Quotes) The diligent farmer plants trees, of which he himself will never see the fruit  (Trees Quotes) Old trees in their living state are the only things that money cannot command  (Trees Quotes) I can’t see the forest through the trees, except the trees are people  (Trees Quotes) Our brains are like bonsai trees, growing around our private versions of reality  (Trees Quotes) If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees  (Trees Quotes) If invisible people eat invisible food does invisible wind blow invisible trees?  (Trees Quotes) Leaves turned to soil beneath my feet. Thus it is, trees eat themselves  (Trees Quotes) The windows, the starving windows that drive the trees like nails into my heart  (Trees Quotes) Apple trees bear apples, wheat stalks produce wheat, and forgiven people forgive people  (Trees Quotes) You can’t write poems about trees when the woods are full of policemen  (Trees Quotes) Trees will improve property values, take pollutants out of the air, help with water runoff  (Trees Quotes)
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