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Trial Quotes

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Galvanised into action by the second trial, I was determined to change Britain’s archaic sex laws  (Trial Quotes) Everyone matures. When I was Newt’s age, I thought I had the right answer to things. The baby-boomers as political leaders are still on trial by the American people  (Trial Quotes) CBS exhausted the Texas courts. They went from the trial court to the intermediate court to the highest court  (Trial Quotes) If I had not passed through trial - through passion, one could say - through these years so painful and so rich, I don’t believe I could take on my life and my career as I do today  (Trial Quotes) Saddam Hussein’s trial would not be public since he could name countries and persons whom he gave money  (Trial Quotes) Each new film is like a trial. Before I step in front of the camera, I do not know whether I am going to fall or whether I am going to fly - and that is exactly the way I want it to stay  (Trial Quotes) The trial of a case is a three-legged stool - a judge and two advocates  (Trial Quotes) Hopefully, america will really get a sense of how justice can be served in this country. and hopefully, they’ll forget the Simpson trial  (Trial Quotes) Some trials look as much like the trial of an ordinary criminal case as a Hitchcock film looks like a home movie  (Trial Quotes) I find it deeply upsetting when I see justice not being served. How do we as human beings deal with the unknown? The West Memphis Three trial is a joke on so many different levels  (Trial Quotes) Once crime was as solitary as a cry of protest; now it is as universal as science. Yesterday it was put on trial; today it determines the law  (Trial Quotes) You are so much more than your current trial. It doesn’t define you. God is directing you to something greater  (Trial Quotes) I hope that you will be asked to participate in a trial at some stage in your disease  (Trial Quotes) There is a blessing hidden in every trial in life, but you have to be willing to open your heart to see them  (Trial Quotes) Know that you are not alone. God understands what you’re going through and has promised to be with you in every trial of life  (Trial Quotes) Life is trial and error. Not every relationship is meant to work. Sometimes you’re just meant to learn the lesson  (Trial Quotes) God discovers the martyr and confessor without the trial of flames and tortures, and will hereafter entitle many to the reward of actions which they had never the opportunity of performing  (Trial Quotes) Mathematics is not a deductive science, that’s a cliché... What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guesswork  (Trial Quotes) Children, then, acquire social skills not so much from adults as from their interactions with one another. They are likely to discover through trial and error which strategies work and which do not, and later to reflect consciously on what they have learned  (Trial Quotes) Inside the museum infinity goes up on trial. Voices echo, ‘This is what salvation must be like after a while.’ But Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues; you can tell by the way she smiles  (Trial Quotes) Earlier today, the jury at the Martha Stewart trial reached a verdict. Martha was found guilty on all charges. In a related story, there’s a huge sale at K-Mart  (Trial Quotes) When I left Springfield [to become President] I asked the people to pray for me. I was not a Christian. When I buried my son, the severest trial of my life, I was not a Christian. But when I went to Gettysburg and saw the graves of thousands of our soldiers, I then and there consecrated myself to Christ  (Trial Quotes) Maybe being an adult wasn’t crossing some arbitrary age line into wisdom. Maybe it was like anything else - training wheels and mistakes, trial and error, and now and again that feeling that you might have wings  (Trial Quotes) When folk have set before them a true purpose and then pursue it unmoved with bravery and courage, when they withstand with a strong heart every trial which Heaven sends upon them, then one day at the last Almighty Providence will yet grant them the fruits of their struggle and of their sacrifices. For God has never abandoned any man upon this earth unless he has first abandoned himself  (Trial Quotes) One reason I avoid the American TV talk show circuit, when I’m over there, is that the tabloids and the gossip mill are always churning with new, true, or untrue stories about new loves, old loves, pending marriages, divorces, trial separations, flings and affairs with people of every description. I’m not into any of that  (Trial Quotes) Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.  (Trial Quotes) Clarence Darrow, America’s best-known trial lawyer, was also one of American history’s most skilled orators.  (Trial Quotes) I was filled with hate and anger. But during my trial, something decisive happened: Amnesty International adopted me as a prisoner of conscience, and it was an unbelievable feeling to know that there is someone fighting for you on the outside. Amnesty’s ‘soft’ approach made me seriously consider alternatives to revenge.  (Trial Quotes) I didn’t want to submit to the army and then, on the day of judgment, have God say to me, ‘Why did you do that?’ This life is a trial, and you realize that what you do is going to be written down for Judgment Day.  (Trial Quotes) I’m very interested in soldier recovery projects and in Bradley Manning’s story, the army intelligence officer who’s being held as a detainee and is going to trial for crimes of treason.  (Trial Quotes)
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