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Trial Quotes

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In Ferguson, there are witnesses who say Brown had his hands up when he was shot. That should be enough probable cause to go to trial to then determine if Officer Wilson is guilty or not. It is at trial that he can then defend himself and his attorneys can present their own witnesses and their own defense.  (Trial Quotes) When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled.  (Trial Quotes) Trial by jury is a wise distribution of power which exceeds all other modes of trial  (Trial Quotes) You don’t learn from a situation where you do something well. You enjoy it and you give yourself credit, but you don’t really learn from that. You learn from trial and error, trial and error, all the time.  (Trial Quotes) If we want to think about racism and how it might play out in drug policy, we have to think about the trial of George Zimmerman. We think about the prosecution, when they said race is not a factor. It’s so dishonest.  (Trial Quotes) In my early career, I look at that time as a series of trial and error and learning as I go  (Trial Quotes) As we look for humor, seek for the eternal perspective, understnd the principle of compensation, and draw near to our Heavenly Father, we can endure heardship and trial.  (Trial Quotes) I do not propose that everyone in Guantanamo or its evil twin at Bagram is innocent. I just don’t believe we should incarcerate people without trial and torture them or facilitate and profit from their torture.  (Trial Quotes) This was a type of war that we’d had no experience with before. Some of our policies were kind of trial and error in character.  (Trial Quotes) In the process of trial and error, Our failed attempts are meant to destroy arrogance and provoke humility  (Trial Quotes) Boy, you’ll have a fair trial. Race, creed or color, justice will be done in my courtroom.  (Trial Quotes) It’s extremely damaging to a fair trial to have people reaching judgment about the case in the newspapers and on the radio before the facts are heard in a case.  (Trial Quotes) In societies that profess some respect for law, suspects are apprehended and brought to fair trial. I stress ‘suspects.’  (Trial Quotes) I think the issue is that Americans traveling abroad if gotten into legal problems should have access to a fair trial and an impartial tribunal.  (Trial Quotes) I had faith in the concept and the theory that all Americans are endowed with the right to a fair trial and I would be fairly judged and fairly tried.  (Trial Quotes) Our first concern is the security of the lawyers because without security you can’t possibly have a fair trial, if trial at all, and that’s not been adequately attended to.  (Trial Quotes) A fair trial is one in which the rules of evidence are honored, the accused has competent counsel, and the judge enforces the proper courtroom procedures - a trial in which every assumption can be challenged.  (Trial Quotes) It’s true I didn’t get a fair trial, but the problem is people don’t understand the details. It is important to understand the details of the trial and why I’m not guilty under the charges that were brought against me.  (Trial Quotes) ...our state will not...secede. Have no doubt but Lincoln will make a good president - at least we ought to give him a fair trial.  (Trial Quotes) A friend of mine who passed through a most severe trial, when I discussed it with him, he said simply, if it’s fair, it isn’t a trial.  (Trial Quotes) [Edward Snoden] has said many times that he’s willing to come back and face trial if he can be guaranteed a fair trial, but the likelihood of that is so slim.  (Trial Quotes) In many courts, plea bargaining serves the convenience of the judge and the lawyers, not the ends of justice, because the courts simply lack the time to give everyone a fair trial.  (Trial Quotes) There is no merit where there is no trial; and till experience stamps the mark of strength, cowards may pass for heroes, and faith for falsehood.  (Trial Quotes) For me, Stalinism was even a greater philosophical problem than Nazism. Under Nazism, if you were a Jew, you were simply killed, no questions asked, you had nothing to prove. Under Stalinism, of course, most [victims] were on trial for false accusations; most of them were not traitors. There is one interesting feature: that they were tortured or through some kind of blackmail forced to confess to being traitors.  (Trial Quotes) I never imagined that divorce would be part of my life history or my family’s legacy. When people say that divorce can be more painful than death, I understand why. But like any great trial, God uses everything for good, if we allow Him to heal us.  (Trial Quotes) All that is known for sure is that endometriosis is endemic and that it cannot be cured. Management is the best hope. This makes for treatments that are, if I am being polite, based on trial and error. If I am feeling less generous, they are shots in the dark.  (Trial Quotes) I’ve found that little kids show a more distinct reaction when the songs are ones that everyone can enjoy together. Because people’s preferences change with the different countries I visit, I go through trial and error to figure things out.  (Trial Quotes) I’m trying figuring out how to be the best person I can be. But it’s been a process of trial and error.  (Trial Quotes) There`s a fine line between balanced journalism and trial by television  (Trial Quotes) When I go into the garden, I forget everything. It’s uncomplicated in my world of gardening. It’s trial and error, really. If something doesn’t work, it comes out, and you start all over again.  (Trial Quotes)
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