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Trial Quotes

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The heightened public clamor resulting from radio and television coverage will inevitably result in prejudice. Trial by television is, therefore, foreign to our system  (Trial Quotes) After the Simpson trial, after all the bad things Cochran was claiming, I became the most investigated officer in the history of the LAPD  (Trial Quotes) I think the Casey Anthony trial caught a lot of news organizations off guard  (Trial Quotes) I think it is absolutely crazy in this day and age that I have to go through a trial and error method to see if my child is allergic to an antibiotic or peanuts. I should just know  (Trial Quotes) Did anyone in the White House or the N.S.A or the C.I.A. consider flying to Hong Kong and treating Mr. Snowden like a human being, offering him a chance to testify before Congress and a fair trial?  (Trial Quotes) America Online, of course, is a master of the hard sell, from stuffing mailboxes with free trial offers to forcing subscribers to click through ads before they can get their e-mail  (Trial Quotes) I’m very interested in soldier recovery projects and in Bradley Manning’s story, the army intelligence officer who’s being held as a detainee and is going to trial for crimes of treason  (Trial Quotes) Most of our stuff was trial and error. You live with a tape recorder, you turn it on, you play the song and you listen to it  (Trial Quotes) An incompetent attorney can delay a trial for months or years. A competent attorney can delay one even longer  (Trial Quotes) But I was never put on trial, never convicted! You are not entitled to a trial. Anybody’s entitled to a trial, damn you! That is absolutely true. But you see you are not anybody. You are nobody  (Trial Quotes) Guilt or innocence becomes irrelevant in the criminal trial as we flounder in a morass of artificial rules poorly conceived and often impossible of application  (Trial Quotes) Sturdy gospel roots that go deep into rich spiritual soil strengthen and steady us in times of trial and difficulty  (Trial Quotes) While you are going through your trial, you can recall your past victories and coul the blessings that you do have with a sure hope of greater ones to allow if you are faithful  (Trial Quotes) A friend of mine who passed through a most severe trial, when I discussed it with him, he said simply, if it’s fair, it isn’t a trial  (Trial Quotes) An incompetent lawyer can delay a trial for months or years. A competent lawyer can delay one even longer  (Trial Quotes) Like the intense fire that transforms iron into steel, as we remain faithful during the fiery trial of our faith, we are spiritually refined and strengthened  (Trial Quotes) It is often in the trial of adversity that we learn those most critical lessons that form our character and shape our destiny  (Trial Quotes) Every moment brings us some benediction. Even the rough hand of trial holds in its clasp for us some treasure of love  (Trial Quotes) If rowing is a trial then the ergometer is the courtroom, the meter is the jury. And an honest jury at that, because the numbers do not lie  (Trial Quotes) Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience. Humans have learned only through mistakes  (Trial Quotes) With every adversity and trial comes the opportunity to grow stronger and learn from your circumstance  (Trial Quotes) The principles of living greatly include the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and trial with humility  (Trial Quotes) Cagey trial lawyers have figured out there’s a pretty good likelihood their case - no matter what its merit - will literally get its day in court because of favorable judges  (Trial Quotes) Every test, every trial, every heartache that’s been significant, I can turn it over and see how God has turned it into good no matter what  (Trial Quotes) Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury  (Trial Quotes) I had faith in the concept and the theory that all Americans are endowed with the right to a fair trial and I would be fairly judged and fairly tried  (Trial Quotes) I think the issue is that Americans traveling abroad if gotten into legal problems should have access to a fair trial and an impartial tribunal  (Trial Quotes) We’ve got fifty people at Gitmo that are too dangerous to be let go that will never go through a normal criminal trial. Let’s create a new legal system, so they’ll have their day in court  (Trial Quotes) You cannot be President of the United States if you don’t have faith. Remember Lincoln, going to his knees in times of trial in the Civil War and all that stuff  (Trial Quotes) I did know that the book would end with a mind-boggling trial, but I didn’t know exactly how it would turn out. I like a little suspense when I am writing, too  (Trial Quotes)
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