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Trickles Quotes

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Hope never trickles down. It always springs up  (Trickles Quotes) A breath of steam trickles out, filled with the sobs of a grown woman breaking into girl sized pieces  (Trickles Quotes) Love, it’s such a night, laced with running water, irreparable, riddled with a million leaks. A night shaped like a shadow thrown by your absence. Every crack trickles, every overhang drips. The screech of nighthawks has been replaced by the splash of rain. The rain falls from the height of streetlights. Each drop contains its own shattering blue bulb  (Trickles Quotes) We turn our backs on nature; we are ashamed of beauty. Our wretched tragedies have a smell of the office clinging to them, and the blood that trickles from them is the color of printer’s ink  (Trickles Quotes) Even when the money finally trickles down, even when a school is built in a poor neighborhood, for instance, the poor are still deprived  (Trickles Quotes)