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Water trotted is as good as oates  (Trotted Quotes) So, yeah, I think it had a major effect. I think in franchising younger people, it was just an idea that’s never been trotted out before, but it makes perfectly good sense  (Trotted Quotes) I thought about how many preconcieved prejudices would crumble when I trotted right along for 26 miles  (Trotted Quotes) I was so pleased and excited by your letter that I trotted about all day like a puppy with a bone  (Trotted Quotes) It’s a wonder you don’t see the zebra being trotted out as a metaphor for racial harmony more often  (Trotted Quotes) The ‘fear of change’ excuse is something you see trotted out by organizations or management that believe customers are old, stupid, ignorant, and stubborn.  (Trotted Quotes)