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Trousers Quotes

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I met this cowboy with a brown paper hat, paper waistcoat and paper trousers. He was wanted for rustling  (Trousers Quotes) I never weigh myself. But if I put my trousers on and they don’t do up, then I don’t eat until I can  (Trousers Quotes) All my stuff is men’s fashion. It’s always oversized shirts, boyfriend blazers and trousers  (Trousers Quotes) The older I get, the more I want to do. It beats death, decay or golf in unfortunate trousers. Peace and quiet depress me  (Trousers Quotes) A skirt is no obstacle to extemperaneous sex, but it is physically impossible to make love to a girl while she is wearing trousers  (Trousers Quotes) I want to go out at the top, but the secret is knowing when you’re at the top, it’s so difficult in this business, your career fluctuates all the time, up and down, like a pair of trousers  (Trousers Quotes) One should never put on one’s best trousers to go out to fight for freedom  (Trousers Quotes) I am much inclined to live from my rucksack, and let my trousers fray as they like  (Trousers Quotes) A most excellent man, though I could have wished his trousers not quite so tight in some places and not quite so loose in others  (Trousers Quotes) And he dreamed the dream of all those who publish books, which was to have so much gold in your pockets that you would have to employ two people just to hold your trousers up  (Trousers Quotes)
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