True Man Quotes

Text Quotes
When the time comes that a man has had his dinner, then the true man comes to the surface (True Man Quotes)
A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it (True Man Quotes)
So few in reality are the true necessities of man (True Man Quotes)
Nothing is slower than the true birth of a man (True Man Quotes)
The ambitious man has never found his true vocation (True Man Quotes)
Sticking with a marriage. That's true grit, man (True Man Quotes)
Every complete man has his genius. True virtue is genius (True Man Quotes)
Because true love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny (True Man Quotes)
Man is a demon, man is a God. Both true (True Man Quotes)
Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true (True Man Quotes)
But when the time comes that a man has had his dinner, then the true man comes to the surface (True Man Quotes)
No man dies for what he knows to be true. Men die for what they want to be true, for what some terror in their hearts tells them is not true (True Man Quotes)
He is not a true man of the world who knows only the present fashions of it (True Man Quotes)
If the tag rag people did not clap him and hiss him, according as he pleased and displeased them... I am no true man (True Man Quotes)
It is gold which buys admittance; and it is gold which makes the true man killed, and saves the thief; nay, sometimes hangs both thief and true man; what can it not do and undo? (True Man Quotes)
Every true man, sir, who is a little above the level of the beasts and plants does not live for the sake of living, without knowing how to live; but he lives so as to give a meaning and a value of his own to life (True Man Quotes)
The true man of the past waited upon Heaven when dealing with people and did not wait upon people when dealing with Heaven (True Man Quotes)
By the time a man is 35 he knows that the images of the right man, the tough man, the true man which he received in high school do not work in life (True Man Quotes)
A true man never frets about his place in the world, but just slides into it by the gravitation of his nature, and swings there as easily as a star (True Man Quotes)
A true man does not only stand up for himself, he stands up for those that do not have the ability to (True Man Quotes)
Chaos claims the unwary or the incomplete. A true man may flinch away its embrace, if he is stalwart, and he girds his soul with the armour of contempt (True Man Quotes)
There are no perfectly honorable men; but every true man has one main point of honor and a few minor ones (True Man Quotes)
The loss of fortune to a true man is but the trumpet challenge to renewed exertion, not the thunder stroke of destruction (True Man Quotes)
Though we best know and cannot deny our imperfections, it is not for us to lose our self-reliance and true manhood (True Man Quotes)
No true manhood can be trained by a merely intellectual process. You cannot train men by the intellect alone; you must train them by the heart (True Man Quotes)
Does not every true man feel that he is himself made higher by doing reverence to what is really above him? (True Man Quotes)
A man is not really a true man until he owns his own home, and they that own their homes are made more honorable and honest and pure, true and economical and careful, by owning the home (True Man Quotes)
The obligations of law and equity reach only to mankind; but kindness and beneficence should be extended to the creatures of every species, and these will flow from the breast of a true man, as streams that issue from the living fountain (True Man Quotes)
He is not a true man of science who does not bring some sympathy to his studies, and expect to learn something by behaviour as well as application (True Man Quotes)
The doubter is a true man of science; he doubts only himself and his interpretations, but he believes in science (True Man Quotes)