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True Quotes

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The true manipulator never has a reputation for manipulating  (True Quotes) Some things are too terrible to be true  (True Quotes) Virtue only is the true beauty  (True Quotes) Things we wish to be true are apt to gain too ready credit with us  (True Quotes) There is no true peace without fairness, truth, justice and solidarity  (True Quotes) Words are not necessary to one’s experience of the true life  (True Quotes) True liberty is not liberty to do evil as well as good  (True Quotes) Every true work of art must express a distinct feeling  (True Quotes) True love turns words and feelings into actions  (True Quotes) You cannot hide your true self forever  (True Quotes) A bizarre sensation pervades a relationship of pretense. No truth seems true  (True Quotes) Money buys everything, even true love  (True Quotes) Within our perceived weaknesses and imperfections lies the key to realizing our true strength  (True Quotes) False zeal is every day bringing true zeal into disrepute  (True Quotes) It’s true that things are beautiful when they work. Art is function  (True Quotes) A true philosopher is married to wisdom; he needs no other bride  (True Quotes) Weigh the true advantages of forgiveness and resentment to the heart. Then choose  (True Quotes) We must die to become true human beings  (True Quotes) The only true test of loyalty is fidelity in the face of ruin and despair  (True Quotes) If you read something on the internet than it must be true  (True Quotes) True vision is the ability to see in another more than they are showing you  (True Quotes) I must find a truth that is true for me  (True Quotes) Only a true weakling is capable of true courage  (True Quotes) History after all is the true poetry  (True Quotes) A belief is not true simply because it is useful  (True Quotes) True piety lies rather in the power to contemplate the universe with a quiet mind  (True Quotes) The government is controlling your mind through chem trails, we all know this is true  (True Quotes) I’m going to spend Valentine’s Day with my true love.... food  (True Quotes) Imagine what else is true if you understood there is nothing fundamentally wrong with you  (True Quotes) Love changes, and in change is true  (True Quotes)
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