True Quotes

Text Quotes
We need not fear that in seeking God only we may narrow our lives or restrict the motions of our expanding hearts. The opposite is true. We can well afford to make God our All, to concentrate, to sacrifice the many for the One (True Quotes)
The most common error made in matters of appearance is the belief that one should disdain the superficial and let the true beauty of one's soul shine through. If there are places on your body where this is a possibility, you are not attractive - you are leaking (True Quotes)
We should revel in the joy of believing that God is the sum of all patience and the true essence of kindly good will! (True Quotes)
It is not by regretting what is irreparable that true work is to be done, but by making the best of what we are. It is not by complaining that we have not the right tools, but by using well the tools we have. What we are, and where we are is God's providential arrangement - God's doing, though it may be man's misdoing; and the manly and the wise way is to look your disadvantages in the face, and see what can be made our of them (True Quotes)
Wars produce many stories of fiction, some of which are told until they are believed to be true (True Quotes)
The intelligence of women is not out in the world, acting on its own behalf; it is kept small, inside the home, acting on behalf of another. This is true even when the woman works outside the home, because she is segregated into women's work, and her intelligence does not have the same importance as the lay of her ass (True Quotes)
I'm telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true (True Quotes)
Comparing ourselves instead of taking lessons from ourselves is not only a catalyst to diminishing our true purpose but also a great ingredient to thinking negative and staying in mediocrity (True Quotes)
When someone strives and strains to prove to me that black men are as intelligent as white men, I say that intelligence has never saved anyone; and that is true, for, if philosophy and intelligence are invoked to proclaim the equality of men, they have also been employed to justify the extermination of men (True Quotes)
When a bachelor of philosophy from the Antilles refuses to apply for certification as a teacher on the grounds of his color I say that philosophy has never saved anyone. When someone else strives and strains to prove to me that black men are as intelligent as white men I say that intelligence has never saved anyone: and that is true, for, if philosophy and intelligence are invoked to proclaim the equality of men, they have also been employed to justify the extermination of men (True Quotes)
When we love a person, we accept him or her exactly as is: the lovely with the unlovely, the strong with the fearful, the true mixed in with the façade, and of course, the only way we can do it is by accepting ourselves that way (True Quotes)
How great it is when we come to know that times of disappointment can be followed by joy; that guilt over falling short of our ideals can be replaced by pride in doing all that we can; and that anger can be channeled into creative achievements... and into dreams that we can make come true (True Quotes)
It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do! (True Quotes)
We need to help people to discover the true meaning of love. Love is generally confused with dependence. Those of us who have grown in true love know that we can love only in proportion to our capacity for independence (True Quotes)
The true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding (True Quotes)
We know to tell many fictions like to truths, and we know, when we will, to speak what is true (True Quotes)
We know how to speak many falsehoods that resemble real things, but we know, when we will, how to speak true things (True Quotes)
To say that war is madness is like saying that sex is madness: true enough, from the standpoint of a stateless eunuch, but merely a provocative epigram for those who must make their arrangements in the world as given (True Quotes)
The solution to staying on the right side of the fine line between using and abusing grace is repentance. The road to repentance is godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:10). Godly sorrow is developed when we focus on the true nature of sin as an offense against God rather than something that makes us feel guilty (True Quotes)
A willingness to share our possessions with one another is a very important aspect of true biblical community (True Quotes)
True faith rests upon the character of God and asks no further proof than the moral perfections of the One who cannot lie (True Quotes)
Not every one of our desires can be immediately gratified. We've got to learn to wait patiently for our dreams to come true, especially on the path we've chosen (True Quotes)
Each life experience leaves a layer of memory like a deposit of sediment: things we've loved and moments of contentment we've cherished that when recalled, reveal glimmers of our true selves (True Quotes)
I must be willing to give whatever it takes to do good to others. This requires that I be willing to give until it hurts. Otherwise, there is no true love in me, and I bring injustice, not peace, to those around me (True Quotes)
Our world faces a true planetary emergency. I know the phrase sounds shrill, and I know it's a challenge to the moral imagination (True Quotes)
True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity, before it is entitled to the appellation (True Quotes)
A true leader always keeps an element of surprise up his sleeve, which others cannot grasp but which keeps his public excited and breathless (True Quotes)
The true realist is he who believes in both God and the Devil, and is prepared to attempt, with humility, to sort out some corner of the extraordinary tangle of their works which is our world. He cannot use his feeling alone, he must use his intellect (True Quotes)
The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of angels and god, and at liberty when of devils and hell, is because he was a true poet and of the devil's party without knowing it (True Quotes)
My silks and fine array, my smiles and languished air, by love are driven away; and mournful lean despair brings me yew to deck my grave: such end true lovers have (True Quotes)