Truth Bible Quotes

Text Quotes
The truth will set you free (The Bible) (Truth Bible Quotes)
The Bible is the authoritative Word of God and contains all truth (Truth Bible Quotes)
The truths that are found in the Bible are universal truths. And it shapes who you are and guides you throughout your life (Truth Bible Quotes)
God is the Truth. The Bible is the truth about the Truth. Theology is the truth about the truth about the Truth (Truth Bible Quotes)
If the Bible is uniquely and inerrantly inspired, then we have certainty; we may know real truth about God (Truth Bible Quotes)
It was illegal for black people and white people to play checkers together in Birmingham. And there were even black and white Bibles to swear to tell the truth on in many parts of the South (Truth Bible Quotes)
Faith accepts the Bible as the word and will of God and rests upon its truth without question and without other evidence (Truth Bible Quotes)
The Bible’s blind, the Torah’s deaf, the Qur’an is mute; if you burned them all together you’d get close to the truth. (Truth Bible Quotes)
The most dangerous of all false doctrines is the one seasoned with a little truth. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible. (Truth Bible Quotes)
The Bible must be considered as the great source of all the truth by which men are to be guided in government as well as in all social transactions. (Truth Bible Quotes)
It does not require great learning to be a Christian and be convinced of the truth of the Bible. It requires only an honest heart and a willingness to obey God (Truth Bible Quotes)
The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men. It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter. It is all pure (Truth Bible Quotes)