Truth is not determined by majority vote

Truth QuotesBe Determined QuotesTruth Is QuotesMajority QuotesMajority Vote QuotesDouglas Gwyn Quotes
Truth is not determined by majority vote
In the context of Doug Gwyn, a Quaker theologian and author known for his work on spiritual discernment and the importance of seeking truth through inner reflection and divine guidance, the statement "truth is not determined by majority vote" takes on a profound significance. Gwyn's teachings emphasize the idea that truth is not something that can be decided by popular opinion or societal consensus, but rather is a deeply personal and spiritual journey that requires individuals to listen to their inner voice and connect with a higher power.Gwyn's belief in the importance of seeking truth through inner reflection is rooted in the Quaker tradition of silent worship and the practice of waiting for divine guidance. Quakers believe that each individual has a direct connection to the divine and that by listening to the "still, small voice" within, they can discern the truth and find guidance in their lives. This emphasis on personal revelation and spiritual discernment stands in stark contrast to the idea that truth can be determined by a majority vote or external authority.