Truth Is Quotes

Text Quotes
Q. You do not consider your statement a disloyal one? A. No, sir. Scientific truth is beyond loyalty and disloyalty. Q. You are sure that your statement represents scientific truth? A. I am (Truth Is Quotes)
They say that truth is naked. I cannot admit this for any but abstract truths; in the arts, all truths are produced by methods which show the hand of the artist (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is whatever you can get away with. No, that’s journalism. The truth is whatever you can’t escape (Truth Is Quotes)
Historical truth is that, and that alone, which reveals the forces that go to mould the social life of mankind (Truth Is Quotes)
Complete honesty has nothing to do with purity or naivety. The full truth is unattainable to naivety, and the completely honest artist is not pure in heart (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is indivisible, hence it cannot recognize itself; anyone who wants to recognize it has to be a lie (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is a trap: you can not get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is I suppose that a tour lays in a great stock of thought and spirits for the future; the fatigue and drawbacks of actual travelling are forgotten and a bright residuum remains (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is the breath of life to human society. It is the food of the immortal spirit. Yet a single word of it may kill a man as suddenly as a drop of prussic acid (Truth Is Quotes)
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! His truth is marching on (Truth Is Quotes)
Despite the theories traditionally taught in high school social studies, the truth is: The more primitive the society, the more leisured its way of life (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is a good dog; but beware of barking too close to the heels of an error, lest you get your brains kicked out (Truth Is Quotes)
Not every sheer truth is the better for showing her face. Silence also many times is the wisest thing for a man to have in his mind (Truth Is Quotes)
Waiting is a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are only two things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don’t count (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is, many things are worth doing only in the most slovenly, halfhearted fashion possible, and many other things are not worth doing at all (Truth Is Quotes)
Try to be conspicuously accurate in everything, pictures as well as text. Truth is not only stranger than fiction, it is more interesting (Truth Is Quotes)
History is strewn thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill, but a lie, well told, is immortal (Truth Is Quotes)
There are two kinds of truth, small truth and great truth. You can recognize a small truth because its opposite is a falsehood. The opposite of a great truth is another truth (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is quite beyond the reach of satire. There is so brave a simplicity in her that she can no more be made ridiculous than an oak or a pine (Truth Is Quotes)
All high truth is poetry. Take the results of science: They glow with beauty, cold and hard as are the methods of reaching them (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is the object of our understanding, as good is of our will; and the understanding can no more be delighted with a lie than the will can choose an apparent evil (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is one; and, in all lands beneath the sun, whoso hath eyes to see may see the tokens of its unity (Truth Is Quotes)
Talk without truth is the hollow brass; talk without love is like the tinkling cymbal, and when it does not tinkle it jingles, and when it does not jingle, it jars (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is a gem that is found at a great depth; whilst on the surface of this world all things are weighed by the false scale of custom (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is a torch, but a terrific one; therefore we all try to reach it with closed eyes, lest we should be scorched (Truth Is Quotes)
A man has no more right to utter untruths to his own disparagement than to his own praise. Truth is absolute. It is obligatory under all circumstances, and in all relations (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is the band of union and the basis of human happiness. Without this virtue there is no reliance upon language, no confidence in friendship, no security in promises and oaths (Truth Is Quotes)
Knowledge, or more expressively truth, for knowledge is truth received into our intelligence, truth is an ideal whole (Truth Is Quotes)
Morally, a philosopher who uses his professional competence for anything except a disinterested search for truth is guilty of a kind of treachery (Truth Is Quotes)
Truth is the source of every good to gods and men. He who expects to be blessed and fortunate in this world should be a partaker of it from the earliest moment of his life (Truth Is Quotes)