Truth Is Quotes

Text Quotes
I keep working because I am quite sure that no particle of goodness or truth is ever really lost, however appearances may be to the contrary (Truth Is Quotes)
We tend to think of great thinkers and innovators as soloists, but the truth is that the greatest innovative thinking doesn’t occur in a vacuum (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is, the more kind and liberal a man is, the more generous will be the patronage bestowed upon him (Truth Is Quotes)
The reason that truth is stranger than fiction is that fiction has to have a rational thread running through it in order to be believable, whereas reality may be totally irrational (Truth Is Quotes)
But the truth is, countries have to do what is best in each instance to pursue both their interest and their values (Truth Is Quotes)
I’m supposed to have a Ph. D. on the subject of women. But the truth is I’ve flunked more often than not. I’m very fond of women; I admire them. But, like all men, I don’t understand them (Truth Is Quotes)
It is well known that in war, the first casualty is truth - that during any war truth is forsaken for propaganda (Truth Is Quotes)
No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is in California you can’t build a new manufacturing facility, and businesses are leaving in droves because of bad government policy (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is our country, our people, our liberties, and our way of life are under attack by radical Islamic terrorists who kill and destroy in the name of religion (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is that I oppose the Iraq war, just as I opposed the Vietnam War, because these two conflicts have weakened the U. S. and diminished our standing in the world and our national security (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is, after Boys Don’t Cry, I realized how few and far between the great roles are. I am beyond thankful for finding Million Dollar Baby (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is, if anyone saw my home life, I’m pretty sure it would look like other families’ around the world. There’s a lot of juggling to be done (Truth Is Quotes)
When the truth is that there would be no great Western music, and certainly no decent choral repertoire, without the Catholic faith (Truth Is Quotes)
I think Hollywood has a class system. The actors are like the inmates, but the truth is they’re running the asylum (Truth Is Quotes)
The honest truth is that if this government were to propose the massacre of the first - born, it would still have no difficulty in getting it through the Commons (Truth Is Quotes)
This truth is a remedy against spiritual pride, namely, that none should account himself better before God than others, though perhaps adorned with greater gifts, and endowments (Truth Is Quotes)
See, I think if it just became who’s sleeping with whom, then there’s no reason to prefer one party over the other, ‘cause the truth is we’re all sinners (Truth Is Quotes)
And the sad truth is that nobody wants me to write comedy. The Exorcist not only ended that career, it expunged all memory of its existence (Truth Is Quotes)
On the contrary, it might even be a projection of what the truth is of the Bush Administration’s complacency and ineptitude on the terrorism in its first 9 months in office (Truth Is Quotes)
The American people need to know the truth. The American people need to see the truth. In a democracy, letting the people know the truth is the essence of what it means to be free (Truth Is Quotes)
Everybody’s saturated with the marketing hype of next-generation consoles. They are wonderful, but the truth is that they are as powerful as a high end PC is right now (Truth Is Quotes)
I write about real people in disguise. If anything, my characters are toned down-the truth is much more bizarre (Truth Is Quotes)
The Republicans claim they are for strengthening Pell grants when the truth is that over the last four years, their legislation has done the exact opposite (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is - most things are probably gonna fail. But my failures bring me to the next thing. So in that regard, nothing’s a failure, it’s a continuation (Truth Is Quotes)
Some people tell me that they like what I do, which is great, of course. The perfect irony and truth is that I need them much more than they need me (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is, I’m a character guy. That’s how I see myself. I always see the role as being far more interesting and important than I am... not all actors approach it that way (Truth Is Quotes)
The truth is more important to me than anything - my personal wealth or health or any of these things. I think that it’s not so difficult for me to say what I’m saying (Truth Is Quotes)
I like to point out that people very often confuse the idea that truth is subjective with the fact that truth is perishable (Truth Is Quotes)
Commerce makes friends, religion makes enemies; the one enriches, and the other impoverishes; the one thrives best where the truth is told, the other where falsehoods are believed (Truth Is Quotes)