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Tummy Quotes

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Dummy, dummy, go out now and fill your tummy  (Tummy Quotes) Women have to show that tummy to stay noticed  (Tummy Quotes) Never call a stomach a tummy without good reason  (Tummy Quotes) I did have reconstructive plastic surgery and a tummy tuck. And from hip to hip, there’s a very big scar. It looks better than it did... So I say, if you don’t like that skin, have it removed. This is my advice: if you’re gonna do it - just go for it.  (Tummy Quotes) Dear Tummy, sorry for all the butterflies. Dear pillow, sorry for the tears. Dear heart, sorry for the damage. Dear brain, you were right  (Tummy Quotes) On my first visit to the public library, I was like a kid at a candy store where all the candy was free. I gorged myself until my tummy ached  (Tummy Quotes) A home is a place where a pot of fresh soup simmers gently on the hob, filling the kitchen with soft aromas... and filling your heart, and later your tummy, with joy  (Tummy Quotes) I ate fiberglass insulation. It wasn’t cotton candy like the guy said… my tummy itches  (Tummy Quotes) Pilates is amazing, my posture is so much better and I’m even starting to get muscles on my tummy - it’s incredible  (Tummy Quotes) There are a lot of different beliefs for tightening up your core. I think just being conscious of it and being aware to engage your muscles will help any woman’s tummy get in shape.  (Tummy Quotes) Your ‘hara’ is here, where your uterus is if you’re a woman, where the tummy sticks out if you’re a man, the centre of gravity of the human body. It is the synthesis of our intellect, body and spirit, and by developing our consciousness of it, we can become incredibly rooted.  (Tummy Quotes) I like sugar, be it candy, this season’s pumpkin chocolate chip bars, or wine. Sugar is bad for me. It just sits on my tummy, causing my middle child Esme to ask if we are having a fourth baby. Rude!  (Tummy Quotes) I ate fiberglass insulation. It wasn’t cotton candy like the guy said my tummy itches.  (Tummy Quotes)