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Turnip Quotes

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There's no getting blood out of a turnip  (Turnip Quotes) This diamond has so many carats it’s almost a turnip  (Turnip Quotes) I look like a turnip with hair in the morning!  (Turnip Quotes) The turnip is a capricious vegetable, which seems reluctant to show itself at its best  (Turnip Quotes) There’s no getting blood out of a turnip  (Turnip Quotes) A degenerate nobleman, or one that is proud of his birth, is like a turnip. There is nothing good of him but that which is underground  (Turnip Quotes) I suppose the implication of that is the president and the vice president and myself and Colin Powell just fell off a turnip truck to take these jobs  (Turnip Quotes) To him who is stinted of food a boiled turnip will relish like a roast fowl  (Turnip Quotes) It had never occurred to him that the body of a woman of fifty, blown up to monstrous dimensions by childbearing, then hardened, roughened by work til it was coarse in the grain like an overripe turnip, could be beautiful. But is was so, and after all, he thought, why not?  (Turnip Quotes) If you’d take your head home and boil it for a turnip it might be useful. I can’t say. But it might  (Turnip Quotes)