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Typing Quotes

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I revise the manuscript till I can’t read it any longer, then I get somebody to type it. Then I revise the typing. Then it’s retyped again. Then there’s a third typing, which is the final one. Nothing should then remain that offends the eye  (Typing Quotes) I am, each day, typing out the God my typewriter believes in. Very quick. Very intense, like a wolf at a live heart  (Typing Quotes) Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of evry part of your life  (Typing Quotes) After a while I thought it didn’t make any sense to use a pick. It’s kind of like typing with one finger on each hand instead of using all your fingers  (Typing Quotes) At this moment, the story in his head was perfect. He also knew from experience that it would degenerate the second he started typing, because such was the nature of writing  (Typing Quotes) Lord, let me write, leave me autistic and typing until my windows bust into a thousand silver doves and I know the poem is done  (Typing Quotes) The way to write a book is to actually write a book. A pen is useful, typing is also good. Keep putting words on the page  (Typing Quotes) Certainly I was typed. But what is typing? It is a trademark, a means by which the public recognizes you. Actors work all their lives to achieve that. I got mine with just one picture. It was a blessing  (Typing Quotes) I love the writing. I love the idea of typing and seeing it on the computer and printing it out myself and, you know, moving sentences around. I like that  (Typing Quotes) Imagine you are writing an email. You are in front of the computer. You are operating the computer, clicking a mouse and typing on a keyboard, but the message will be sent to a human over the internet. So you are working before the computer, but with a human behind the computer  (Typing Quotes) I was really relieved not to have to drag something in front of the camera; I could use a pencil and paper. A regular pencil and typing paper. That appealed to me  (Typing Quotes) I am severely dyslexic, so I’m not the person who can do a lot of typing, writing and mathematics. I don’t excel in anything except in things that had to do with creativity and things with my hands. I like to build things and take things apart  (Typing Quotes) I started writing when I was 9 years old. I was like this weird kid who would just stay in my room, typing little funny magazines and drawing comic strips  (Typing Quotes) To shoot a gun proficiently, including speed shooting, is much less of a skill than typing  (Typing Quotes) Right now my field must tackle describing a world where falling in love, going to war and filling out tax forms looks the same; it looks like typing  (Typing Quotes) When I couldn’t get ahold of cigarettes, I’d roll coffee grounds into typing paper and smoke that and then vomit  (Typing Quotes) Take a writer away from his typewriter and all you have left is the sickness which started him typing in the beginning  (Typing Quotes) I place my fingers upon these keys typing 2,000 dreams per minute and naked of spirit dance forth my cosmic vortex upon this crucifix called language  (Typing Quotes) I can act... I do a little writing as well. And I’m good at typing. I’m a creative typist, actually  (Typing Quotes) Writing can be a very solitary business. It’s you sat at a desk typing words into a computer. It can get lonely sometimes and lots of writers live quite isolated lives  (Typing Quotes) Typing up a detailed news post at this moment would not further the goals of my great society. Stay tuned for ideological update  (Typing Quotes) Over the years, I’ve trained myself to speak using the same language I would use if I were typing: meaning using full sentences in the way that paragraphs and scenes are arranged  (Typing Quotes) I don’t like typing messages on my phone. Some people get used to it  (Typing Quotes)
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