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Ugly Character Quotes

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It’s a funny show. The characters are surprisingly likable, given how ugly they are. We’ve got this huge cast of characters that we can move around. And over the last few seasons, we’ve explored some of the secondary characters’ personal lives a bit more  (Ugly Character Quotes) I have the embarrassing thing where often if you’re watching a film, you kind of go through the emotions and the thought stages that your character went through, but you sort of do it with Tourette’s. So I end up often crying when I’m crying, and looking angry when I’m looking angry, so it’s pretty ugly  (Ugly Character Quotes) With proper acting, I don’t know what I would play - I got sent a script for a play, and it said in the notes that my proposed character was ‘hideously fat and ugly’. That made my day. I mean, I do know I am no oil painting  (Ugly Character Quotes) Ugly Betty’ has been the most important thing I’ve ever done, easily. I was able to do more with one character than I can ever imagine doing again - Hilda was hilariously funny and emotionally deep... I really got to showcase what I could do with a character  (Ugly Character Quotes) I always played the ugly sister instead of Cinderella or the Wicked Witch. But those are the parts I love, and actually, to be a character actress, you have more longevity, hopefully  (Ugly Character Quotes) While I was writing ‘The Spare Room,’ I thought, ‘I’m going to look really bad in this book - there’s no redeeming this kind of awful, ugly emotion’, and I thought, ‘I’m not going to change it. I’ll call the character ‘Helen’ and admit to those feelings.’ I think this is a reason why people write.  (Ugly Character Quotes) I’m a relatively ugly character who’s done pretty damn well in film  (Ugly Character Quotes) Know that the most neurotic, most ugly situation is simply testing you. It is testing capacity, beyond his control, your flexibility, your adjustment and your character  (Ugly Character Quotes) There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth  (Ugly Character Quotes) I love it when ugliness is beautiful. I love character flaws  (Ugly Character Quotes)