Ugly Quotes

Text Quotes
To all the girls that think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one, its society who's ugly (Ugly Quotes)
An ugly personality destroys a pretty face (Ugly Quotes)
Get at least eight hours of sleep. Nine if you're ugly (Ugly Quotes)
No makeup (Ugly Quotes)
Beauty is skin deep. Ugly is to the bone (Ugly Quotes)
You can't be broke and ugly. Pick a struggle (Ugly Quotes)
You ugly, we twins (Ugly Quotes)
You should stop listening to other people. It makes you ugly (Ugly Quotes)
Girls be like "I watch YouTube makeup tutorials" (Ugly Quotes)
Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose (Ugly Quotes)
It's up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days (Ugly Quotes)
You know damn well you ain't a bad bitch. You just look bad, bitch (Ugly Quotes)
A pretty face is nothing if you have an ugly heart (Ugly Quotes)
A woman with good shoes is never ugly (Ugly Quotes)
It's hard to grow up in a world where you never feel like you're pretty enough (Ugly Quotes)
Love says: I've seen the ugly parts of you and I'm staying (Ugly Quotes)
So you’re telling me people think I’m ugly and cute at the same time? (Ugly Quotes)
Why is everyone prettier than me? (Ugly Quotes)
Jealousy is such an ugly emotion (Ugly Quotes)
Insecurity is an ugly thing, it makes you hate people that you don't even know (Ugly Quotes)
Always remember, it's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly (Ugly Quotes)
Why do I still have Facebook? So that I can slowly watch all the hot girls from my high school get ugly (Ugly Quotes)
Sorry you’re not pretty on the inside either (Ugly Quotes)
You look like I need a drink (Ugly Quotes)
You ever see a photo of yourself and it kinda ruins your day? (Ugly Quotes)
After the gym. Other girls. Me (Ugly Quotes)
Your face. No one likes this (Ugly Quotes)
How I feel without makeup (Ugly Quotes)
No woman with beautiful shoes is ugly (Ugly Quotes)
Being an ugly girl is like being a man... You’re going to have to work (Ugly Quotes)