Unarine Ramaru Quotes
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Text Quotes
To have a positive influence on someone’s life is a blessing (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
My biggest regret is having regrets (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
A woman’s endurance enabled your first breath (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Education is not life planning, it is life (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
You don’t need to change who you are to praise God (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Change can never be good until you face it head-on (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The house you built can cave you in if you didn’t do it right (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The greatest crime ever created is caring and loving (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Being a solution and not a problem proves progression (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Anyone can be rich and not everyone can be successful (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
With every step you take ask yourself, what do I really want? (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Curiosity is always good if it is aimed at learning (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The purpose of music as an art form, is to engage the audience (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The moment you in a relationship, know that every action you take, carries your partner’s dignity along with yours. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Raising a child whether yours or not, is being anointed by God to be the guardian of his Kingdom in a form of a child. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Choose criticism wisely, it might help you improve some elements of what you do (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Love is not the perfect match, love is the connection between two people (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Value those who give you constructive criticism, because without them doing so, you will never reach the peak of what you are do. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Lifeboats are decked out on the sides of a ship waiting for when disaster strikes, faith on the other hand is a part of you for whenever. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
If you have fallen down, you cannot go further down, so pick yourself up and aim high, you’ve got nothing to lose. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Never forget why you should win or achieve your goals and dreams. Once you feel you are losing purpose in the process, remind yourself why you saw the need to begin in the first place, let that drive you (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Pray for change in your heart and not your circumstance, and you will see what will happen (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Give someone you wronged a chance to express their true feelings and learn about yourself and your shortcomings. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
You don’t have to be a poet to express you feelings to her, just say whats in your mind and she will relate. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The sad reality of Mankind: Faith is the currency people trade in, through their ego and selfish ways. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Don’t deny your parents a chance at happiness and also an opportunity to see you achieve greatness (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The biggest insult to any parent is a child that lives up to society standards and not his or her full potential. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
The things you have are a shared effort, Gods blessings and human strength. Give thanks for the blessings in all situations. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
Don’t make noise, rather give people good reasons to make noise about you (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
If I let the past and my goals be the only thing that drives me in life, I will never know the meaning of being happy. (Unarine Ramaru Quotes)
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