Uncle Quotes

Text Quotes
I would love to learn other languages, maybe French? My uncle speaks German so maybe also German? Chinese seems to be too difficult (Uncle Quotes)
Whether you’re a mother or father, or a husband or a son, or a niece or a nephew or uncle, breast cancer doesn’t discriminate (Uncle Quotes)
I grew up in this era where your parents’ friends were all called aunt and uncle. And then I had an aunt and an aunt. We saw them on holidays and other times. We never talked about it, but I just understood that they were a couple (Uncle Quotes)
No one can teach your child like you can. No nanny, Bible school teacher, aunt, or uncle has your authority. What a phenomenal privilege is yours (Uncle Quotes)
I had a very crazy aunt and uncle who we traded my brother Webster to for a Siamese cat. It was heaven to live with my aunt and uncle because you got spoiled to death (Uncle Quotes)
I loved movies growing up. I went to the movies with my uncle all the time. But being an actor? I didn’t even think about it until I was about twenty years old. I took a class at the college I was at. I don’t know why - I just wanted to take a class, and I kind of fell in love with it there (Uncle Quotes)
Everybody that I was in school with had an uncle or father in the law, and I started to realize that I was going to end up writing briefs for about ten years for these fellows who I thought I was smarter than. And I was kind of losing my feeling for that (Uncle Quotes)
There was a guitar that my uncle owned and never learnt to play. He sold it to my dad, and when I heard ‘Layla’, that was the tune that really grabbed me. I said to my dad, ‘Wait, there’s a guitar, right?’ (Uncle Quotes)
There were days when you would get the TV listings from The Globe and The Herald. Video was out, but nobody could afford it...expect for my uncle George, who was a second father to me, and had every film in the world, and every book (Uncle Quotes)
I didn’t shoot any guns then or when we did the scene with Uncle Charlie [Matthew Goode] and Evie [Nicole Kidman] in the hall. I sort of pressed the button but there were no blanks or anything in there because I think it was always going to cut (Uncle Quotes)
In other words, science tells us that Adam and Eve are fictions. That Saint Paul or Uncle Tom Cobley and all thought otherwise is irrelevant. They were wrong. (Uncle Quotes)
The thing that I think a lot of guys need to know how to do is not take your mother’s advice about honesty being the best policy. Listen to your cool, drunk uncle who tells you to lie. Those are the relationships that last. (Uncle Quotes)
My grandfather and my uncle both died from colorectal cancer, my dad almost died from it and I have the gene for it. (Uncle Quotes)
If you’re not a parent, if you’re an aunt or uncle or neighbor, books are an amazing gift (Uncle Quotes)
My great uncle was in ‘Dad’s Army.’ And I don’t know if Americans will know that. It was a hugely popular show in England. (Uncle Quotes)
Trying to be like my uncle, because I was an only child. He and my cousins were everything to me. (Uncle Quotes)
I love my brothers’ kids. It’s funny - as an uncle, you become so protective of them. (Uncle Quotes)
Young people, for whom I should have been a role model and an uncle, duplicated my worst habits and died as a result. (Uncle Quotes)
My grandfather was a lawyer, my dad was a lawyer, my mum was a lawyer, I got an uncle who’s a lawyer, I got cousins that are lawyers. (Uncle Quotes)
As a matter of fact, I am an uncle. I have nine nephews and nieces. I’m not sure if they think I’m all that quick with a quip. But I’m quick with a spank. (Uncle Quotes)
It’s really important for boys to have a father around, or a grandfather, or an uncle - a man they can really relate to who loves them, and who they know loves them. (Uncle Quotes)
Sometimes you get a call and an uncle passed away that you really liked, or a cousin or somebody else. So each day becomes a little more precious then the day that preceded it. (Uncle Quotes)
Well, I’m an uncle now ... don’t know if I’m a good one. My nephew asked me the difference between a hamster and a gerbil and I told him I thought there was more dark meat on a gerbil. (Uncle Quotes)
Even to this day, when I think about the fact that I’m in this ‘Star Wars’ world, that I’m a half-brother to Darth Vader and an uncle to Luke Skywalker, it’s too hard to wrap my head around. (Uncle Quotes)
I had an uncle who had a car with a rumble seat, and I used to love to ride in that thing. I mentioned this to some kids, and they were like, What are you even talking about? (Uncle Quotes)
We’re a Muslim family, but we’re also very cultured and we have a mixture of different religions. For example, my brother-in-law is Catholic, and my sister converted and my nephews are baptized. I have an uncle who just graduated and currently he’s a priest. (Uncle Quotes)
My father, obviously, and my mother were inspirations. My uncle, Frank Harper, he was an absolute mentor for me. (Uncle Quotes)
But one sets of grandparents lived on Davidson Avenue in the Bronx and one lived in Manhattan and I had an aunt and uncle in Queens, so in my heart I was a New Yorker. (Uncle Quotes)
I’m that crazy-ass drunk uncle that nobody wants to invite to the holidays and birthdays (Uncle Quotes)
Save the people you love, who cares about the rest of the world? - Uncle Jake (Uncle Quotes)