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Undeniable Quotes

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There is a deep and undeniable sadness in all this: whenever we see the dawn of an eternal good that will never be overcome by evil – an evil that is itself eternal but will never succeed in overcoming good – whenever we see this dawn, the blood of old people and children is always shed  (Undeniable Quotes) As I often say, we have come a long way from the days of slavery, but in 2014, discrimination and inequality still saturate our society in modern ways. Though racism may be less blatant now in many cases, its existence is undeniable  (Undeniable Quotes) A baby nursing at a mother's breast... Is an undeniable affirmation of our rootedness in nature  (Undeniable Quotes) There's an undeniable pleasure in stepping into an open top sports car driven by a beautiful woman. It feels like you're climbing into a metaphor  (Undeniable Quotes) Only in men's imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life  (Undeniable Quotes) I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. I believe that to be so obvious and undeniable a fact that I hardly think any hon. Gentleman will question it  (Undeniable Quotes) You find in life that there are different levels of being in love with someone, and maybe everyone doesn’t find that undeniable, indescribable... I can’t describe it, it’s indescribable  (Undeniable Quotes) That the world is in a bad shape is undeniable, but there is not the faintest reason in history to suppose that Christianity offers a way out  (Undeniable Quotes) Original sin is the only rational solution of the undeniable fact of the deep, universal and early manifested sinfulness of men in all ages, of every class, and in every part of the world  (Undeniable Quotes) It was strange, I reflected.. that even in the weirdest circumstances, the most troubling episodes of one’s life, the greatest divides from home and familiarity, there were these moments of undeniable joy  (Undeniable Quotes) The wolf sniffed beneath the door to be sure this was a human cottage. The scent was undeniable. No pigs, except in bacon form. The wolf thought bacon form was a very sensible way for pigs to behave  (Undeniable Quotes) I many times encountered courage, real courage. Undeniable courage. I’ve heard it said that that was the highest quality of the human animal. I encountered that many times, in unexpected places. And I have learned to recognize it when I see it  (Undeniable Quotes) Your resolve is unquestionable. Your character undeniable. Your history unparalleled. You’ve inspired us, all the way. You will again today  (Undeniable Quotes) Don’t you just want to make something that lives forever? Something that’s phenomenal, something that’s great, something that’s undeniable? That touches the core of every person that hears it?  (Undeniable Quotes) It is undeniable that every human being is entitled to living space, daily bread, and the protection of the law as a common birthright; these are fundamentals and should not be handed out as an act of charity  (Undeniable Quotes) What is undeniable is that when comforts and convenience sap our energies and idealism, inactivity secretes sloth in to our minds like a poison in the blood  (Undeniable Quotes) It may be that there is such a thing as racial memory, and it is supported by the undeniable observation that the goblins will get you if you don’t watch out  (Undeniable Quotes) You can write about other people and their ideas and life without having lived it, but even your perception of that is going to be colored by what you know and what you experience. And this is undeniable  (Undeniable Quotes) Although the detail of our sexual energies and their objects and objectives vastly vary, the existence of our sexuality itself is an undeniable truth  (Undeniable Quotes) It is undeniable that we all create scenarios and then become convinced by them, down to our very cells  (Undeniable Quotes) Yes, I don’t know why, but I have never been disappointed, and I often was in the early days, without feeling at the same time, or a moment later, an undeniable relief  (Undeniable Quotes) All the worse for the undeniable talent which hides the evil so subtly and makes the danger so delightful  (Undeniable Quotes) There comes a point when things are undeniable and can’t be hidden any longer. Even from yourself  (Undeniable Quotes) Clean undeniable right, clear undeniable might: either of these once ascertained puts an end to battle. All battle is a confused experiment to ascertain one and both of these  (Undeniable Quotes)
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