Underlying Quotes

Text Quotes
There is in every organism, at whatever level, an underlying flow of movement toward constructive fulfillment of its inherent possibilities (Underlying Quotes)
Design is a conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order. Design is both the underlying matrix of order and the tool that creates it (Underlying Quotes)
The only way one should buy stocks is if you understand the underlying business. You stay within the circle of competence. You buy businesses you understand (Underlying Quotes)
Value investing is the discipline of buying shares at a significant discount from their current underlying values and holding them until more of their value is realised. The element of a bargain is the key to the process (Underlying Quotes)
People tend to remember and mentally classify work according to how it looks, sometimes oblivious to the underlying intent (Underlying Quotes)
Any cause that requires mockery and abuse to advance itself isn’t one I need to engage with, regardless of my basic beliefs or agreement with the underlying goals (Underlying Quotes)
Rock has to absorb other rhythmic forms, because the underlying rhythm of music changes with fashion, and people like to move differently, and the underlying rhythms have to be the ones that people want to dance to (Underlying Quotes)
The problem for many people is that we cannot point to the underlying biological bases of most psychiatric disorders. In fact, we are nowhere near understanding them as well as we understand disorders of the liver or the heart (Underlying Quotes)
Meaning comes from the correspondence between the code and its execution, and the compact underlying structure of the world and its dynamics (Underlying Quotes)
We do not know how to formulate string theory nor do we know its underlying principles. Surprisingly, this fact does not stop us from making progress (Underlying Quotes)
The underlying, primary psychic reality is so inconceivably complex that it can be grasped only at the farthest reach of intuition, and then but very dimly. That is why it needs symbols (Underlying Quotes)
When our brain feels too weak to deal with our opponent’s objections, our heart answers by casting suspicion on their underlying motives (Underlying Quotes)
No matter how confused or deluded we may be at the moment, the underlying and essential nature of our being is clear and pure (Underlying Quotes)
Your life is a work of art, and in the end, the underlying theme of great art is bravery and hope and love (Underlying Quotes)
Concepts and intellectual devices or chops can’t mask or conceal an underlying lack of emotive power (Underlying Quotes)
The possibilities that are suggested in quantum physics tell us that everything that we’re looking at may not be in fact there, so the underlying nature of being is weird (Underlying Quotes)
I’m interested in what happens to people when they get into that publicity machine. We tend to think things have changed, but there’s still a deep sexism underlying the way women are treated publicly (Underlying Quotes)
The long irons are the nemesis of the average golfer. I’m convinced that the underlying reason for this is that he keeps hearing how hard they are to handle. They’re not that difficult, truly (Underlying Quotes)
There’s a major underlying idea as you grow up that you need to just save your money and get that affordable housing at the edge of town where you’re away from the city where all the crime happens or whatever (Underlying Quotes)
The business of the poet and the novelist is to show the sorriness underlying the grandest things and the grandeur underlying the sorriest things (Underlying Quotes)
He was determined to discover the underlying logic behind the universe. Which was going to be hard, because there wasn’t one (Underlying Quotes)
When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities (Underlying Quotes)
... unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes (Underlying Quotes)
The unwillingness to accept anything short of victory, that underlying fury, is the fundamental building block of my bottomless motivation to succeed. It is my credo in all that I do in life from battling cancer to bicycle racing (Underlying Quotes)
One interesting thing about greed is that although the underlying motive is to seek satisfaction, the irony is that even after obtaining the object of your desire you are still not satisfied. The true antidote of greed is contentment (Underlying Quotes)
Every work of art needs a spine – an underlying theme, a motive for coming into existence. It doesn’t have to be apparent to the audience. But you need it at the start of the creative process to guide you and keep you going (Underlying Quotes)
The underlying principle of Masonry is the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. In this war we are engaging in upholding these principles and our enemies are attacking them (Underlying Quotes)
By reading the characteristic features of any man’s castles in the air you can make a shrewd guess as to his underlying desires which are frustrated (Underlying Quotes)
Disputing the commonsense notion that all events require the prior existence of some underlying matter or substance. There is no antecedent static cabinet (Underlying Quotes)
There’s a general sense that women are more relaxed and less defensive in comedy than they used to be. I think it’s easier than it was but underlying it all there is still a pretty sexist view of women on stage, which to me hasn’t changed that much (Underlying Quotes)