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I wanted to explore the values that are at work, underpinning my life  (Underpinning Quotes) The simplest thought, like the concept of the number one, has an elaborate logical underpinning  (Underpinning Quotes) What conservation education must build is an ethical underpinning for land economics and a universal curiosity to understand the land mechanism. Conservation may then follow  (Underpinning Quotes) In terms of the emotional underpinning, if you’ve been in relationships, you understand what’s happening  (Underpinning Quotes) Individual liberty, the basic underpinning of American society, requires constant defense against the encroachment of the state.  (Underpinning Quotes) Fargo’ is a tragedy with a happy ending. So you need to have that tragic underpinning, that all of this could be avoidable, and that’s what makes it tragic. It’s about the use of violence, and the fact that the tension in anticipation of violence and the tension in anticipation of a laugh are sort of the same.  (Underpinning Quotes) In terms of the emotional underpinning, if you’ve been in relationships, you understand what’s happening.  (Underpinning Quotes) The use of a growing array of derivatives and the related application of more-sophisticated approaches to measuring and managing risk are key factors underpinning the greater resilience of our largest financial institutions .... Derivatives have permitted the unbundling of financial risks.  (Underpinning Quotes) The fundamental human truth underpinning ‘Ox Mountain Death Song’ is that men so very often turn into their fathers. The way that everything gets passed down.  (Underpinning Quotes)