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Understanding Quotes

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The truth is, when I got started in this business, it wasn’t because I had a full understanding of the importance of the business, but because I thought it was fun. I found it exciting. It fulfilled me, whatever it was that I was looking for  (Understanding Quotes) The understanding of art depends finally upon one’s willingness to extend one’s humanity and one’s knowledge of human life  (Understanding Quotes) Next to coming to a good understanding with a new mistress, I love a quarrel with an old one  (Understanding Quotes) Understanding that yes, we are committing more resources than we thought we might be in protecting our homeland and prosecuting a war and so it’s understandable that we would be going through a period of deficits  (Understanding Quotes) As a whole, the managers today are different in temperament. Most have very good communication skills and are more understanding of the umpire’s job. That doesn’t mean they are better managers. It just means that I perceive today’s managers a bit differently  (Understanding Quotes) People whose understanding and taste in literature, painting, and music are beyond question are, for the most part, ignorant of what is good or bad art in the theater  (Understanding Quotes) They have an understanding regime; they work hard and get results, they are a happy team  (Understanding Quotes) An understanding is perhaps better than an alliance, which may stereotype arrangements which cannot be regarded as permanent in view of the changing circumstances from day to day  (Understanding Quotes) Understanding reduces the greatest to simplicity, and lack of its causes the least to take on the magnitude  (Understanding Quotes) The secret of living in peace with all people lies in the art of understanding each one by his own individuality  (Understanding Quotes) A novel’s whole pattern is rarely apparent at the outset of writing, or even at the end; that is when the writer finds out what a novel is about, and the job becomes one of understanding and deepening or sharpening what is already written. That is finding the theme  (Understanding Quotes) I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it  (Understanding Quotes) Whether it be the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute  (Understanding Quotes) The great artist is the man who most obviously succeeds in turning his pains to advantage, in letting suffering deepens his understanding and sensibility, in growing through his pains  (Understanding Quotes) The fact that it wasn’t tells me that we’ve got a much more fundamental problem of understanding what went wrong, and we’ve got to figure out what was there. and that’s what I call fundamental fault analysis  (Understanding Quotes) Toby not being there doesn’t bother me, I mean I can work with anybody as long as we get along and as long as they’ve got an understanding of what I want and what I’m aiming for. To start with, when he left, it was difficult  (Understanding Quotes) Such as have reason, understanding, or common sense, will, and ought to make use of it in those things that concern themselves and their posterity, and suspect the words of such as are interested in deceiving or persuading them not to see with their own eyes  (Understanding Quotes) The best goal for propaganda analysis is to develop such an understanding of the phenomenon that it will no longer be profitable for people to engage in it  (Understanding Quotes) My life was not useless; I gave important truths to the world, and it was only for want of understanding that they were disregarded. I have been ahead of my time  (Understanding Quotes) Unless man have a natural bent in accordance with nature’s, he has no chance of understanding nature at all  (Understanding Quotes) If we do not understand the cause or causes for the biggest climate change of all time, what hope have we of understanding modern climate change?  (Understanding Quotes) There is no such thing as weird human being. It’s just that some people require more understanding than others  (Understanding Quotes) I used to say to our audiences: It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!  (Understanding Quotes) It’s customary, at times like this, to say a few words. A man shouldn’t die with no understanding of why he’s been murdered. I do not pride myself on my eloquence, and so I will keep this simple  (Understanding Quotes) This decision is absolutely contrary to my understanding of what the plan was to be in the event of an invasion  (Understanding Quotes) The current understanding was that it was impossible to predict how something would evolve because it was a very turbulent environment full of things interacting with each other  (Understanding Quotes) We need to be more careful, but more compassionate. We must strike, not deal with terrorists, but to broaden our understanding of the world outside our borders  (Understanding Quotes) You know, when you go to high school or, you know, when kids are younger and there’s not an understanding of differences. But I built up a very strong, thick skin  (Understanding Quotes) Understanding is better than ignorance. Ignorance, unlike life, unlike narrative, is static. Understanding implies a forward motion, thus the possibility of change  (Understanding Quotes) I’m happy with my shape. It’s getting to a stage of acceptance and understanding how to dress to reproportion yourself  (Understanding Quotes)
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