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Unequal Quotes

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Women with minimal access to resources and no access to child care have limited choices that too often mean low-wage and part-time labor. In rural communities in the developing world, when women farmers have unequal access to fertilizers or training, their farm productivity lags behind men.  (Unequal Quotes) Ethically and politically it is important to face up to the need for a universal perspective in our divided, multi-cultural, unequal and unjust world.  (Unequal Quotes) There is a crisis that is not political - an epidemic of loneliness, of sadness - and we’re completely unequal to dealing with it.  (Unequal Quotes) The taste which men have for liberty and that which they feel for equality are, in fact, two different things...among democratic nations they are two unequal things.  (Unequal Quotes) Moving to a cooperatively organized enterprise is one of the best ways to really do something about unequal distribution of wealth.  (Unequal Quotes) In financial terms, my sense is that the distribution of wealth, unequal as it is, is self-perpetuating, and, especially in a linked and accelerating world, the rich get ever more quickly richer while the poor get ever more speedily poorer.  (Unequal Quotes) The concern that I have is that, as wealth continues to concentrate in the hands of a few, economic inequality grows, and power also becomes more unequal.  (Unequal Quotes) At the end of the day, we have an economy that works for the rich by cheating the poor, and unequal schools are the result of that, not the cause.  (Unequal Quotes) Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents  (Unequal Quotes) When I think about the world I would like to leave to my daughter and the grandchildren I hope to have, it is a world that moves away from unequal, unstable, unsustainable interdependence to integrated communities - locally, nationally and globally - that share the characteristics of all successful communities.  (Unequal Quotes) Long before gun control was touted as ‘common sense’ measures, the concept was promoted as a means to keep ethnic populations in an unequal position while assuaging the fears of whites.  (Unequal Quotes)
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