Unfortunate Quotes
Text Quotes
It’s something that jazz has gotten away from, and it’s unfortunate. Players aren’t physical anymore (Unfortunate Quotes)
It goes without saying that when survival is threatened, struggles erupt between peoples, and unfortunate wars between nations result (Unfortunate Quotes)
Look at those they call unfortunate and at a closer view, you’ll find many of them are unwise (Unfortunate Quotes)
I think that a lot of women are made to feel that they have not done the one thing that they were put on the earth to do if they didn’t do the normal thing, if they didn’t take the most traveled path. And it’s unfortunate (Unfortunate Quotes)
It’s a fact that it is much more comfortable to be in the position of the person who has been offended than to be the unfortunate cause of it (Unfortunate Quotes)
There is an unfortunate disposition in a man to attend much more to the faults of his companions which offend him, than to their perfections which please him (Unfortunate Quotes)
A people fired... with love of their country and of liberty, a zeal for the public good, and a noble emulation of glory, will not be disheartened or dispirited by a succession of unfortunate events. But like them, may we learn by defeat the power of becoming invincible (Unfortunate Quotes)
The most elementary of good manners... at a social gathering one does not bring up the subject of personalities, sad topics or unfortunate facts, religion, or politics (Unfortunate Quotes)
It’s true that someone will always say that good and evil don’t exist: that is a person who has never had any dealings with real evil. Good is far less convincing than evil, but it’s because their chemical structures are different. Like gold, good is never found in a pure state in nature: it therefore doesn’t seem impressive. It has the unfortunate tendency not to act; it prefers, passively, to be seen (Unfortunate Quotes)
I’m incapable of describing the feeling with which I left. I wouldn’t want it ever to be repeated, but I would have considered myself unfortunate if I’d never experienced it (Unfortunate Quotes)
I used to think if you fell from grace it was more likely than not the result of one stupendous error, or else an unfortunate accident. I hadn’t learned that it can happen so gradually you don’t lose your stomach or hurt yourself in the landing. You don’t necessarily sense the motion. I’ve found it takes at least two and generally three things to alter the course of a life: You slip around the truth once, and then again, and one more time, and there you are, feeling, for a moment, that it was sudden, your arrival at the bottom of the heap (Unfortunate Quotes)
No one knows he is fortunate until he becomes unfortunate, that’s the way the world is (Unfortunate Quotes)
Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure. Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There’s nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life’s compensations and rewards. A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy first derived from it will still be there (Unfortunate Quotes)
Knowledge is power. Unfortunate dupes of this saying will keep on creating, ambitiously, till they have stunned their native initiative and made their thoughts weak (Unfortunate Quotes)
It is an unfortunate personal tragedy. However, when compared to the vast ocean of the collective tragedy faced by my people, my illness is merely a pebble. I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness, unable to contribute anything substantial towards the alleviation of the immense suffering and oppression of my people (Unfortunate Quotes)
There is no more unfortunate creature under the sun than a fetishist who yearns for a woman’s shoe and has to settle for the whole woman (Unfortunate Quotes)
Those who become incoculated with the virus of race hatred are more unfortunate than the victim of it. Race hatred is the most malignant poison that can afflict the mind. It freezes up the fount of inspiration and chills the higher faculties of the soul (Unfortunate Quotes)
One of the most unfortunate things I see when identifying youth players is the girl who is told over the years how great she is. By the time she’s a high school freshman, she starts to believe it. By her senior year, she’s fizzled out. Then there’s her counterpart: the girl waiting in the wings who quietly and with determination decides she’s going to make something of herself. Invariably, this humble, hardworking girl is the one who becomes the real player (Unfortunate Quotes)
Your remarks upon chemical notation with the variety of systems which have arisen, andc., andc., had almost stirred me up to regret publicly that such hindrances to the progress of science should exist. I cannot help thinking it a most unfortunate thing that men who as experimentalists and philosophers are the most fitted to advance the general cause of science and knowledge should by promulgation of their own theoretical views under the form of nomenclature, notation, or scale, actually retard its progress (Unfortunate Quotes)
What could be more foolish than to base one’s entire view of life on ideas that, however plausible at the time, now appear to be quite erroneous? And what would be more important than to find our true place in the universe by removing one by one these unfortunate vestiges of earlier beliefs? (Unfortunate Quotes)
When an individual fear or apathy would cause us to pass by the unfortunate, then life is of no account (Unfortunate Quotes)
It was unavoidable, my writing. I feel I had no choice in the matter, no more than I had about an unfortunate bone structure and a healthy head of hair (Unfortunate Quotes)
It is unfortunate that we should find ourselves at this time the only disorganized group. Others have had the advantage of organization for centuries, so what seems to them unnecessary, from a racial point of view, becomes necessary to us, who have had to labor all along under the disadvantage of being scattered without a racial aim or purpose (Unfortunate Quotes)
In life, when you are faced with an unfortunate circumstance, there’s no book, there’s no guide, there’s no right answer on how to get to the other side. You just sort of wake up one day and you have two paths in front of you, one where you go up and one where you can fall, and choosing the path to rise is most certainly not the easy path but it’s the brave one (Unfortunate Quotes)
I can’t believe how some of the most unfortunate people in the world can be the happiest.It’s just so enlightening to me (Unfortunate Quotes)
When under the pretext of fraternity, the legal code imposes mutual sacrifices on the citizens, human nature is not thereby abrogated. Everyone will then direct his efforts toward contributing little to, and taking much from, the common fund of sacrifices. Now, is it the most unfortunate who gains from this struggle? Certainly not, but rather the most influential and calculating (Unfortunate Quotes)
From 1789, perhaps even before that, it had been the willingness of politicians to exploit either the threat or the fact of violence that had given them the power to challenge constituted authority. Bloodshed was not the unfortunate by product of revolution, it was the source of energy (Unfortunate Quotes)
It is true to say that the first kill can influence the whole future career of a fighter pilot. Many to whom the first victory over the opponent has been long denied either by unfortunate circumstances or by bad luck can suffer from frustration or develop complexes they may never rid themselves of again (Unfortunate Quotes)
It is both the duty and responsibility of the world’s fortunate few to help fulfil the legitimate aspirations of the unfortunate many (Unfortunate Quotes)
No dream ever entirely disappears. Somewhere it troubles some unfortunate person and some day, when that person has been sufficiently troubled, it will be reproduced on the lot (Unfortunate Quotes)