Unhap Quotes

Text Quotes
The most unhappy people are the ones who always undervalue what they have, and overvalue what others have (Unhap Quotes)
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life (Unhap Quotes)
The Amateur Marriage grew out of the reflection that of all the opportunities to show differences in character, surely an unhappy marriage must be the richest (Unhap Quotes)
I am convinced that, except in a few extraordinary cases, one form or another of an unhappy childhood is essential to the formation of exceptional gifts (Unhap Quotes)
Happy or unhappy, families are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described - and will be, after our deaths - by each of the family members who believe they know us (Unhap Quotes)
During my first photo shoot, I was unhappy because they put so much makeup on me and straightened my hair. I've been stubborn ever since (Unhap Quotes)
All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy (Unhap Quotes)
Wind, wind! Thou art sad, art thou kind? Wind, wind, unhappy! Thou art blind, yet still thou wanderest the lily-seed to find (Unhap Quotes)
Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy (Unhap Quotes)
The last thing I want to turn into is a fat Hollywood jerk. I was brought up without much money and I was happy. I don't think that I will strive for money or success and end up greedy or big-headed. That only leads to unhappiness. I can still be down-to-Earth and do this job as long as I enjoy it (Unhap Quotes)
People who've had very unhappy childhoods are pretty good at inventing themselves. If nobody invents you for yourself, nothing is left but to invent yourself for others (Unhap Quotes)
It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality (Unhap Quotes)
Money and time are the heaviest burdens of life. The unhappiest of all mortals are those who have more of either than they know how to use (Unhap Quotes)
Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness (Unhap Quotes)
Unhappy it is though to reflect, that a brother's sword has been sheathed in a brother's breast, and that, the once happy and peaceful plains of America are either to be drenched with blood, or inhabited by slaves. Sad alternative! But can a virtuous man hesitate in his choice? (Unhap Quotes)
That moment when you burst out crying alone in your room. And you realize that no one truly knows how unhappy you are because you don't want anyone to know (Unhap Quotes)
The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now (Unhap Quotes)
They soon lost interest in Sofya. She was just one more prisoner -with no more idea of her destination than anyone else. No one asked her name and patronymic; no one remembered her surname. She realized with surprise that although the process of evolution had taken millions of years, these people had needed only a few days to revert to the state of cattle, dirty and unhappy, captive and nameless (Unhap Quotes)
I am sure that the reason why I wept and stormed as if I had gone off my head was that the combination of physical exhaustion and my unhappiness had made me hate and resent everything (Unhap Quotes)
Now I have neither happiness nor unhappiness. Everything passes. That is the one and only thing that I have thought resembled a truth in the society of human beings where I have dwelled up to now as in a burning hell. Everything passes (Unhap Quotes)
I suddenly wondered whether Mother might not actually be happy now, whether the sensation of happiness might not be something like faintly glittering gold sunken at the bottom of the river of sorrow. The feeling of that strange pale light when once on as exceeded all the bounds of unhappiness - if that can be called a sensation of happiness, the Emperor, my mother, and even I myself may be said to be happy now (Unhap Quotes)
Unhappiness. There are all kinds of unhappy people in the world. I suppose it would be no exaggeration to say that the world is composed entirely of unhappy people. But those people can fight their unhappiness with society fairly and squarly, and society for its part easily understands and sympathizes with such struggles. My unhappiness stemmed entirely from my own vices, and I had no way of fighting anybody (Unhap Quotes)
I enjoyed the innocence of unhappiness and of helplessness; could I blame myself for a sin which attracted me, which flooded me with pleasure precisely to the extent it brought me to despair? (Unhap Quotes)
And if unhappy in her love, her heart is like some fortress that has been captured, and sacked, and abandoned, and left desolate (Unhap Quotes)
The secret of happiness is to enjoy the moment, without allowing unhappy memories or fear of the future to shadow the shining present (Unhap Quotes)
... there are a lot of self-righteous people out there. And if you try to adjust your life to please them... you're just going to go crazy and risk being as unhappy as these self-righteous kooks are (Unhap Quotes)
I was happy there. Which is to say I was not unhappy there. Unhappiness and happiness I have always been able to carry about with me, irrespective of place and people, because I have never joined in (Unhap Quotes)
Let no one till his death be called unhappy. Measure not the work until the day's out and the labor done (Unhap Quotes)
Daytime sleep is like the sin of the flesh; the more you have the more you want, and yet you feel unhappy, sated and unsated at the same time (Unhap Quotes)
It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about (Unhap Quotes)