Unhappiness Quotes

Text Quotes
People - running from unhappiness, hiding in power - are locked within their reputations, ambitions, beliefs. (Unhappiness Quotes)
A certain amount of impatience may be useful to stimulate and motivate us to action. However, I believe that a lack of patience is a major cause of the difficulties and unhappiness in the world today. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Gratitude is the best food to start and sustain you. Hankering creates hunger, unhappiness, bellyache, headache and heartache - and often leaves a bitter taste (Unhappiness Quotes)
It takes a major unhappiness, a prolonged and bitter experience, to drive us away from loyalties once formed. And sometimes no amount of punishment can make us repudiate our loyalty. (Unhappiness Quotes)
I don’t have any gnawing guilt over contributing to any unhappiness suffered by my husbands. They were as much to blame as I was. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Don’t blame yourself for other people’s choices, including their choice of unhappiness (Unhappiness Quotes)
There you go...let it all slide out. Unhappiness can’t stick in a person’s soul when it’s slick with tears. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Unhappiness, I saw then, comes to each of us because we think ourselves at the center of the world, because we have the miserable conviction the we alone suffer to the point of unbearable intensity. Unhappiness is always to feel oneself imprisoned in one’s own skin, in one’s own brain. (Unhappiness Quotes)
In this life, we have to make many choices. Some are very important choices. Some are not. Many of our choices are between good and evil. The choices we make, however, determine to a large extent our happiness or our unhappiness, because we have to live with the consequences of our choices. (Unhappiness Quotes)
A child gets sick with a chronic disease of unhappiness not from unhappy circumstances but from unhappy people around him. Unhappy people cannot raise happy children; it’s impossible. (Unhappiness Quotes)
The only means by which one could attain complete happiness is to avoid living in constant expectation of it. It’s the expectation that causes our unhappiness and consequent bitterness about life (Unhappiness Quotes)
Much unhappiness comes from walking alone. When there are several, it’s somewhat different. I must get into the habit of listening to others, for what the others say concerns me, too. (Unhappiness Quotes)
If there was some way of knowing which boys were likely to turn out to be decent men, boys that could love us back as passionately as we felt we could love them, then we could banish the likelihood of divorce and unhappiness to a statistically unlikely outcome. (Unhappiness Quotes)
To pursue a goal which is by definition unattainable is to condemn oneself to a state of perpetual unhappiness. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Spiritual depression or unhappiness in the Christian life is very often due to our failure to realize the greatness of the gospel. (Unhappiness Quotes)
In all of my looking at happiness, one thing I noticed right away is that the opposite of happiness isn’t unhappiness or even depression, it’s anxiety. It is something that can constantly block our happiness, or our chance to reach that sort of meditative state in our work or our home lives. (Unhappiness Quotes)
A world of few choices, whether in jeans or mates, is a world in which individual differences become sources of alienation, unhappiness, even self-loathing. If no jeans fit, you’ll feel uncomfortable or inferior. If no housing developments reflect your taste for unique architecture, you’ll write screeds against philistine mass culture. (Unhappiness Quotes)
I think true economic class unhappiness comes from when across the street someone has a new Cadillac and you can’t get that. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Before I start painting I have a slightly ambiguous feeling: happiness is a special excitement because unhappiness is always possible a moment later. (Unhappiness Quotes)
He gave her a bright fake smile; so much of life was a putting off of unhappiness for another time. Nothing was ever lost by delay. He had a dim idea that perhaps if one delayed long enough, things were taken out of one’s hands altogether by death. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Unhappiness doesn’t grow on the chest like leprosy. Poverty won’t fall off the roof like a loose tile, no; poverty and unhappiness are man’s doing. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Many of our disappointments and much of our unhappiness arise from our forming false notions of things and persons. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Many people’s unhappiness is rooted in the habitual role they play. While our family role may have made sense growing up, it often wreaks havoc in our adult lives. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Some people are so evil when they enter a house; happiness escapes through the window and unhappiness and fear installed in its place (Unhappiness Quotes)
Just a smile from the right person can delete fear, cancel unhappiness, and even dissolve physical pain. (Unhappiness Quotes)
My dark secrets are life threatening. Pockets of unhappiness set in aspic that build and build. I have this primitive feeling that if something good happens, it is going to be followed by something bad. There is always a price to pay. (Unhappiness Quotes)
The truth is that if we are consumed with finding ways to help others, there will be little room left in our minds or our hearts for self-pity, self-loathing or unhappiness with the world in which we live. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Power doesn’t create happiness or unhappiness. It depends how you use it. Wisdom is the guiding force that directs happiness. (Unhappiness Quotes)
Short term goals are often based on dissatisfaction, and actions based on dissatisfaction will eventually lead to a life of unhappiness. (Unhappiness Quotes)
When a mother quarrels with a daughter, she has a double dose of unhappiness hers from the conflict, and empathy with her daughter’s from the conflict with her. Throughout her life a mother retains this special need to maintain a good relationship with her daughter. (Unhappiness Quotes)