Unhappy Quotes

Text Quotes
I can’t say I was unhappy as a child actor in films. I had a particularly wonderful time. (Unhappy Quotes)
Kids haven’t changed much, but parents seem increasingly unhappy with the child raising phase of their lives. (Unhappy Quotes)
I was such a sullen, angry, sad kid. I’m sure there are writers who have had happy childhoods, but what are you going to write about? No ghosts, no fear. I’m very happy that I had an unhappy and uncomfortable childhood. (Unhappy Quotes)
I was suffering a divorce, and I was very unhappy because my children were very young. It hit me when a woman, a fan, was chatting with me. She was pleased to meet Big Bird because her children liked him and liked the show, but she didn’t know that my face was streamed with tears. (Unhappy Quotes)
When you get up in the morning, you have two choices - either to be happy or to be unhappy. Just choose to be happy (Unhappy Quotes)
A child gets sick with a chronic disease of unhappiness not from unhappy circumstances but from unhappy people around him. Unhappy people cannot raise happy children; it’s impossible. (Unhappy Quotes)
You can not say you’re unhappy because you have to travel, have to play this tournament, having to play sports ... You can’t because you chose to play it and you love it. I’m tremendously grateful for the support I have received from my family and the close ones. (Unhappy Quotes)
Well, let me tell you, any conservative that’s unhappy with George Bush warms my heart, in any way that they can wake up and smell the coffee would be really great. (Unhappy Quotes)
When you are unhappy, you are just coming in touch with your own boundaries. Turn the whole situation into a prayer and you will walk through it. (Unhappy Quotes)
There are so many rules in Judaism, and if you get into them and you get obsessed and you have the kind of life that I have, it can make you a very unhappy person. It can make everything complicated and more stressful than it needs to be, so I kind of loosened the knots a little bit. (Unhappy Quotes)
A sour corporate culture can actually make an entire society unhappy. This means that a strong corporate culture can have a positive impact on a society. (Unhappy Quotes)
It takes more courage to be yourself than to live in the prison of ego with feelings of guilt. It takes a lot more courage to be happy than to be unhappy. (Unhappy Quotes)
The unhappy are egotistical, base, unjust, cruel, and even less capable of understanding one another than are idiots. Unhappinessdoes not unite people, but separates them. (Unhappy Quotes)
Most people aren’t really happy, but they aren’t unhappy enough to do anything about it. That’s a dangerous place to be. (Unhappy Quotes)
The dark night of the soul for me was one night in Florida, when I had been on the road for about four years and I realized that everybody around me was on my payroll, that my old friends hadn’t been in touch with me and my family didn’t know where to get me. I was a very unhappy guy and it was because I was really alone. (Unhappy Quotes)
Life is a stream of happy and unhappy experiences, because that leads to Soul’s purification. How do you get by in the dark times? Try to give love to someone, especially then. (Unhappy Quotes)
If you’re unhappy with another person’s behavior, pray about it and be honest and open in dealing with it in the right kind of way. (Unhappy Quotes)
In youth alone, unhappy mortals live; But, ah! the mighty bliss is fugitive: Discolour’d sickness, anxious labour, come, And age, and death’s inexorable doom. (Unhappy Quotes)
Some decisions in life naturally lead to an unhappy ending, leaving you sinking by degrees in a lake of quicksand. And, unless someone reaches to pull you out, chances are you will drown in the consequences. (Unhappy Quotes)
In 1983, most Nicaraguans had still not fallen to the depths of deprivation and despair which they would reach in later years, but many were already unhappy and restive. (Unhappy Quotes)
Compare what you want with what you have, and you’ll be unhappy; compare what you deserve with what you have, and you’ll be happy. (Unhappy Quotes)
I’m there to make a kind of theatrical music that is desperately missing in my life. And if other people don’t like it, I’m very unhappy, but I can’t do anything about that. (Unhappy Quotes)
Because of media hype and woefully inadequate information, too many people nowadays are deathly afraid of their food, and what does fear of food do to the digestive system? I am sure that an unhappy or suspicious stomach, constricted and uneasy with worry, cannot digest properly. (Unhappy Quotes)
Our ferocious commitment to our children’s safety and success, along with our genuine love, drives us to endure the often unhappy experience of disciplining our children. (Unhappy Quotes)
Unhappy is that Grandeur which makes us too great to be good; and that Wit which sets us at a distance from true Wisdom. (Unhappy Quotes)
It’s not marriage that I crave. Many of my friends who have married are pretty miserable. Within a year and a half, most of them are either unhappy or divorced. (Unhappy Quotes)
George Lucas doesn’t have the most physical stamina. He was so unhappy making Star Wars that he just vowed he’d never do it again. (Unhappy Quotes)
When so-called child’s play turns hostile, and a child becomes a victim, it is time to act. Victims of cyberbullying do not choose to participate. Rather than build character, bullying can cause children to become anxious, fearful, unhappy, and even cause them to be physically sick. (Unhappy Quotes)
Without scheming to do wrong, or to make others unhappy, there may be error and there may be misery. Thoughtlessness, want of attention to other people’s feelings, and want of resolution, will do the business. (Unhappy Quotes)
But without scheming to do wrong, or to make others unhappy, there may be error, and there may be misery. Thoughtlessness, want of attention to other people’s feelings, and want of resolution, will do the business. (Unhappy Quotes)