Unio Quotes

Text Quotes
The lover is moved by the beloved object as the senses are by sensual objects; and they unite and become one and the same thing. The work is the first thing born of this union; if the thing loved is base the lover becomes base (Unio Quotes)
If a union is to take place between opposites like spirit and matter, conscious and unconscious, bright and dark, and so on, it will happen in a third thing, which represents not a compromise but something new (Unio Quotes)
Trade unions have been an essential force for social change, without which a semblance of a decent and humane society is impossible under capitalism (Unio Quotes)
Heraldry is the fusion of fact and fancy, myth and manner, romance and reality. It is an exuberant union of family, art, and history (Unio Quotes)
The transcendental point of view, the habit of thought bred by communion with earth and sky, had refined the grain while it had roughened the husk (Unio Quotes)
Union is only possible to those who are units. To be fit for relations in time, souls, whether of man or woman, must be able to do without them in the spirit (Unio Quotes)
If in madness of delusion, anyone shall lift his parricidal hand against this blessed union, the arms of thousands will be raised to save it, and the curse of millions will fall upon the head which may have plotted its destruction (Unio Quotes)
If communist unions ever gain a position to exercise influence in the transport lanes of the world, the free world will have suffered a staggering blow (Unio Quotes)
I didn’t really get into boys until my junior year of high school, when I had my first boyfriend. But for the most part I was always playing sports, so I was too busy for them! (Unio Quotes)
To eat together is one of the greatest promoters of intimacy. It is the satisfaction in common of a material necessity of existence, and if you seek a loftier meaning in it, it is a communion (Unio Quotes)
You ought to try surviving one of my family reunions. It’s like having a bowling alley in your brain (Unio Quotes)
As long as there are big corporations, there will be big unions. The economic power of big business will be matched by the economic power of the big unions (Unio Quotes)
Today, for many people, being a union member simply means paying dues, but in the early days there were so few of us that if a majority of the members were not active, the union ceased to exist (Unio Quotes)
... it is the spirit of trade unionism that is most important, the service of fellowship, the feeling that the hurt of one is the concern of all and that the work of the individual benefits all (Unio Quotes)
A food truce, the picnic suspension of oedipal feeling that permits the generations to love each other at family reunions (Unio Quotes)
Yoga means union of the individual mind with universal mind, so meditation is considered the essence of yoga. The transformation of the mind and body during meditation is significantly more profound than simply resting with your eyes closed (Unio Quotes)
If we don’t have workers organized into labor unions, we’re in great peril of losing our democracy (Unio Quotes)
Artists need not meet any standards to practice their craft... Virtually every other occupation requires some sort of license, union membership or something that says you are qualified (Unio Quotes)
The world under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite; after a long period of union, tends to divide. This has been so since antiquity (Unio Quotes)
Life and death, union and separation, follow hard upon one another. Nothing is steadfast but the will, nothing endures but one’s achievements. These alone count in life (Unio Quotes)
A national debt if it is not excessive will be to us a national blessing; it will be powerfull cement of our union. It will also create a necessity for keeping up taxation to a degree which without being oppressive, will be a spur to industry; (Unio Quotes)
The words and sentences you take into your body from books are no less sacred and healing than communion. Surely at least one such person lives in your zip code (Unio Quotes)
I played football and ran track in junior high, but by high school I was getting serious about my studies (Unio Quotes)
I think my formative experiences were really in junior high, where at a typical public school we were doing little genetic experiments, very classic experiments (Unio Quotes)
I have always been confident in my skills and once the game got going I knew I was probably the best player on the floor most of the time whether it was junior high, high school or college. I knew I had control of the game (Unio Quotes)
No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were (Unio Quotes)
The movement toward gratitude, authenticity, and union is the natural and organic inner work of the second half of our lives (Unio Quotes)
For all the toll the desert takes of a man it gives compensations, deep breaths, deep sleep, and the communion of the stars (Unio Quotes)
The best philosophical attitude to adopt towards the world is a union of the sarcasm of gaiety with the indulgence of contempt (Unio Quotes)
Meditation goes in. Prayer goes out. But they both aim for the same place of union between you and the devine (Unio Quotes)