Unio Quotes

Text Quotes
Communion is the law of growth, and homes only thrive when they sustain relations with each other (Unio Quotes)
Some of the best advice I’ve had comes from junior officers and enlisted men (Unio Quotes)
There’s a communion of more than our bodies when bread is broken and wine drunk (Unio Quotes)
The union of nature and soul removes the veil of ignorance that covers our intelligence (Unio Quotes)
I praise wedlock, I praise marital union, but only because they produce me virgins (Unio Quotes)
In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy (Unio Quotes)
I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional relationships but I believe in law we should protect the traditional definition of marriage (Unio Quotes)
The road to revolution involves openness to the people, not imperviousness to them; it involves communion with the people, not mistrust (Unio Quotes)
Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union (Unio Quotes)
The name 'London banker' had especially a charmed value. He was supposed to represent, and often did represent, a certain union of pecuniary sagacity and educated refinement which was scarcely to be found in any other part of society (Unio Quotes)
However old a conjugal union, it still garners some sweetness. Winter has some cloudless days, and under the snow a few flowers still bloom (Unio Quotes)
If you talked or laughed in church, told lies, had impure thoughts or conversations, you were bad; if you obeyed your parents or guardians, went to confession and communion regularly, said prayers for the dead, you were good (Unio Quotes)
With all their faults, trade-unions have done more for humanity than any other organization of men that ever existed. They have done more for decency, for honesty, for education, for the betterment of the race, for the developing of character in man, than any other association of men (Unio Quotes)
For them, in a time when the individual has lost significance (despite loud assertions to the contrary), an informed, rational, and intellectually adventurous individuality must take precedence over all else. In their seeming disunion lies their real strength (Unio Quotes)
Cheerfulness is a sign of a generous and mortified person who forgetting all things, even herself, tries to please her God in all she does for souls. Cheerfulness is often a cloak which hides a life of sacrifice and a continual union with God (Unio Quotes)
Nothing cuts the nerve of the desire to pursue holiness as much as a sense of guilt. On the contrary, nothing so motivates us to deal with sin in our lives as does the understanding and application of the two truth that our sins are forgiven and the dominion of sin is broken because of our union with Christ (Unio Quotes)
True religion is removed from diet and days, from garments and ceremonies, and placed where it belongs-in the union of the spirit of man with the Spirit of God (Unio Quotes)
But the very ransomed children of God themselves: why do they know so little of that habitual conscious communion with God which the Scriptures seem to offer? The answer is our chronic unbelief. Faith enables our spiritual sense to function. Where faith is defective the result will be inward insensibility and numbness toward spiritual things (Unio Quotes)
Sympathy wanting, all is wanting; its personal magnetism is the conductor of the sacred spark that lights our atoms, puts us m human communion, and gives us to company, conversation, and ourselves (Unio Quotes)
There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads contact and communion with others however humble (Unio Quotes)
I will never joke about old soldiers who try to get to reunions to talk over the war again. To talk of old times with old friends is the greatest thing in the world (Unio Quotes)
School was the thing in America, don't you know, and the Starlings caught on to that. One of the Starling's uncles had his junior college degree cut on his tombstone (Unio Quotes)
Junior faculty members used to come up to me and say. Wow, you got tenure early; what's your secret? I said, it's pretty simple, call me any Friday night in my office at 10 o'clock and I'll tell you (Unio Quotes)
There is an indissoluble union between a magnanimous policy and the solid rewards of public prosperity and felicity (Unio Quotes)
The cross is not the terrible end to an otherwise godfearing and happy life, but it meets us at the beginning of our communion with Christ (Unio Quotes)
Promises, is very much hidden. While trusting in their Savior for pardon and for help, and seeking to some extent to obey Him, they have hardly realized to what closeness of union, to what intimacy (Unio Quotes)
The language of the spirit, the language of the gospel, is the language of communion that invites us to get the better of closedness and indifference, division and antagonism (Unio Quotes)
What's sad about not eating is the experience, whether at a family reunion or at midnight by yourself in a greasy spoon under the L tracks. The loss of dining, not the loss of food (Unio Quotes)
Best to leave quietly, and no reunions. Move on, and look to the future. Plenty more faces out there (Unio Quotes)
People drain me, even the closest of friends, and I find loneliness to be the best state in the union to live in (Unio Quotes)