Union Quotes

Text Quotes
At its best, American music is the soundtrack of our long - and often painful - march toward a more perfect union. (Union Quotes)
It’s an American worker’s right to unionize for sure, but that being said, don’t expect me not to point out when or if union leadership takes advantage of union members. (Union Quotes)
Less than 8 percent of private sector workers belonged to a union in 2004, and, overall, only 12.5 percent of American workers carry a union card - down from about one-third of workers in labor’s heydays in the 1950s. (Union Quotes)
If the union between England and America is a powerful factor in the cause of peace, a new Triple Alliance between the Teutonic race and the two branches of the Anglo-Saxon race will be a still more potent influence in the future of the world. (Union Quotes)
Governing is one thing, campaigning is another - and the latter becomes far more pronounced in an election-year State of the Union. (Union Quotes)
Judging by their positions at the time, rather than their post hoc allegations, Democrats adored the Soviet Union. Congressional Democrats repeatedly opposed funding anti-Communist rebels, they opposed Reagan’s military build-up, they opposed building a shield to protect America from incoming missiles, they opposed putting missiles in Europe. As a rule, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union. (Union Quotes)
Honduras is strongly anti-Communist, maintains no diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and has provided vital support for United States-backed rebels fighting to overthrow the Sandinistas in neighboring Nicaragua. (Union Quotes)
I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of Muslim or at least Arab countries developing some form of organization comparable to the European Union. I don’t think that’s very likely, but it conceivably could happen. (Union Quotes)
Time and again-from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the events of 9/11 to the onset of the Arab Spring-events have caught the experts, whether in government or on the outside, completely by surprise. Business owners with comparable performance records go bust. Brokers lose their clients. Physicians get sued for malpractice. Yet think-tankers and policy wonks continue to opine, never pausing to reflect on-or apologize for-their spotty records. (Union Quotes)
For boys like me, in north Indian railway towns in the 70s and 80s, where nothing much happened apart from the arrival and departure of trains from big cities, the Soviet Union alone appeared to promise an escape from our limited, dusty world. (Union Quotes)
Art supplies constantly to contemplation what nature seldom affords in concrete experience - the union of life and peace. (Union Quotes)
If you ask anyone on any street corner in the world what the Soviet Union looks like, they would probably have very strong opinions. And they probably would be wrong. (Union Quotes)
While these attitudes are more visible when directed at government, there is ample evidence that many working people distrust their own union as much as they do the corporation they work for. (Union Quotes)
When I was a child, I probably should have been medicated about my obsession with The Spice Girls. I had the Buffalo shoes, a customised Baby Spice necklace - when I say custom-made, it was made out of plastic from the local mall - and a Union Jack dress. (Union Quotes)
Many have wondered if Greece’s economy would get so bad that it would eventually break away from the Eurozone - a move that could encourage other countries to follow and therefore splinter the currency union. (Union Quotes)
The fall of the Berlin Wall really demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that there was a bad system, and what subsequently happened in the Soviet Union, that that system was a failure. (Union Quotes)
It was thought that to rally Islam against godless communism would be doing the Soviet Union a very bad turn indeed, and that, in fact, transpired. (Union Quotes)
Imagine you waking up tomorrow and you can’t get a bank account; you can’t get a credit union account. Everything has gone away and you’re now living in poverty. (Union Quotes)
Berlin has traditionally backed a rules-based eurozone in which every member state is responsible for its own finances, including bank bailouts, with political union limited to a fiscal overlord’s possessing veto power over national budgets that violate the rules. (Union Quotes)
The union of the mind and intuition which brings about illumination, and the development which the Sufis seek, is based upon love. (Union Quotes)
In 2012 the best venue I played was Union Chapel in London. It’s a beautiful room, the sound is exceptional, and they treated us very well. (Union Quotes)
Wit is the sudden marriage of ideas which, before their union, were not perceived to have any relation. (Union Quotes)
I may not be a trained actor, but I’ve paid my dues. And I mean that literally. I am a fully dues-paid member of SAG/AFTRA. As a political figure, I’ve been called a ‘card carrying’ member of numerous groups that I’m not a member of - and now I’m being called a non-actor when I am literally a card-carrying member of the union for actors. (Union Quotes)
The Church of England holds very firmly, and continues to hold to the view, that marriage is a lifelong union of one man to one woman. At the same time, at the heart of our understanding of what it is to be human is the essential dignity of the human being. (Union Quotes)
As more workers lose manufacturing jobs as companies cut back, some are being forced into lower-paying retail jobs. But they still have union cards in their wallets. (Union Quotes)
The Ukraine has a long history of either being part of the Soviet Union or within that sphere (Union Quotes)
The gesture of the amorous embrace seems to fulfill, for a time, the subject’s dream of total union with the loved being: The longing for consummation with the other... (Union Quotes)
Unlike ‘other’ religious belief systems in competition with Christianity, we have not been called to become ‘absorbed’ into the deity but rather brought into communion with God through union with Christ thereby maintaining our unique individuality and personal identity (Union Quotes)
When the Soviet Union fell, optimistic scholars believed the world had shifted inexorably in the direction of free markets and liberal democracy. Instead, the West gradually embraced bigger government and weaker social bonds, creating a fragmented society in which the only thing we all belong to, as President Barack Obama puts it, is the state. (Union Quotes)
The Berlin Wall wasn’t the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell. (Union Quotes)