Uniqueness is wasted on youth. Like fine wine or a solid flossing habit, you'll be grateful for it when you're older

Uniqueness is wasted on youth. Like fine wine or a solid flossing habit, you'll be grateful for it when you're older
Sloane Crosley, the acclaimed author known for her witty and insightful essays, is a prime example of someone who has embraced her uniqueness and allowed it to shine through in her work. In her writing, Crosley often explores the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us all individuals, celebrating the beauty of being different in a world that often values conformity.The quote “Uniqueness is wasted on youth. Like fine wine or a solid flossing habit, you'll be grateful for it when you're older” perfectly encapsulates Crosley’s perspective on the value of embracing one’s individuality. As we age, we come to appreciate the things that set us apart from others, realizing that these are the qualities that make us truly special. Crosley’s writing is a testament to this idea, as she fearlessly delves into her own unique experiences and perspectives, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of a truly original thinker.