United Kingdom Quotes
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Text Quotes
The United Kingdom Is Not A Country That Anybody Can Be Proud Of (United Kingdom Quotes)
The birth certificate of the royal baby lists her parents’ occupations as being ‘the prince and princess of the United Kingdom.’ It says that under occupation, which I guess sounds better than ‘unemployed.’ (United Kingdom Quotes)
Let the debate begin, let the rest of the world know that the iconic symbol of the United Kingdom may change (United Kingdom Quotes)
The BBC is part of the glue which binds the United Kingdom together. At those times of national moment - of joy or sadness, in the UK or around the world, at times when the nation wants to celebrate, mourn or just enjoy itself people turn to the BBC (United Kingdom Quotes)
We are going to have to discuss with and seek the opinions of other countries. We don’t wish to offend anyone, least of all a country we hold in such deep regard as the United Kingdom (United Kingdom Quotes)
The BBC provides the commentary on our lives, the soundtrack of the nation. It is one of the most powerful unifying forces in the United Kingdom today (United Kingdom Quotes)
I very much was inspired by Bill Bryson. He does cover science, but more often, it’s a mixture of science and travel, and whatever he happens to be writing about - Shakespeare, Australia, the United Kingdom, or when he covers science in ‘A Short History Of Nearly Everything’ - he has an incredible ability to be both entertaining and enlightening (United Kingdom Quotes)
I believe that the Union Flag should change now to reflect the four nations of the United Kingdom - England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales (United Kingdom Quotes)
During the 1960s, and again in the 1970s, growth in manufacturing productivity in the United Kingdom was the lowest of all the seven major industrial countries in the world. During the 1980s, our annual rate of growth of output per head in manufacturing has been the highest of all the seven major industrial countries (United Kingdom Quotes)
The population of the United Kingdom has, for the first time, reached sixty million. If they stood on each other’s shoulders they would reach perhaps twenty feet in the air before toppling over (United Kingdom Quotes)
I’ve got to be honest, and I’m not just saying this because the majority of you reading this live there, but I love the United Kingdom. I just flat-out love it (United Kingdom Quotes)
In the United Kingdom, for example, the sheer overwhelming dominance of London makes it extremely for provincial cities to develop more than a very restricted financial function. London, in that sense, is akin to the notorious upas tree, a fabulous Javanese tree so poisonous that it destroys all life for many miles around itself (United Kingdom Quotes)
In the United Kingdom at various stages, journalism has been the profession of gentlemen amateurs. And some of them even pride themselves on being amateurs. Their quality is not comparable with the quality of intelligence services even if most of them harbor a remarkable degree of corruption and incompetence (United Kingdom Quotes)
A united Europe is our Continent’s only chance to avoid falling off the world’s radar. The heads of government of Germany, France and the United Kingdom also know that their voice is only heard internationally because they speak through the megaphone of the European Union (United Kingdom Quotes)
I know that the United Kingdom is sometimes seen as an argumentative and rather strong-minded member of the family of European nations. And it’s true that our geography has shaped our psychology. We have the character of an island nation - independent, forthright, passionate in defence of our sovereignty (United Kingdom Quotes)
Felixstowe, the United Kingdom’s largest port, stops work only for Christmas Day and for crane-toppling Force 9 gales. (United Kingdom Quotes)
But I do think that Brexit, an exit of Britain from the European Union, would trigger real pressure on the United Kingdom. (United Kingdom Quotes)
Not partial membership of the European Union or anything that leaves us half in, half out. No, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. (United Kingdom Quotes)
The vast majority of Muslim residents of the United Kingdom voted to stay in the EU. And the balance of the British population voted to leave the European Union. (United Kingdom Quotes)
The United Kingdom and the European Union will remain indispensable partners of the United States even as they begin negotiating their ongoing relationship to ensure continued stability, security and prosperity for Europe, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the world. (United Kingdom Quotes)
Thankfully, due to the United Kingdom and the commitment of the Westminster government we are able to ensure that money brought in, whether it be from the City of London or from North Sea oil, can be pooled and directed to wherever it is needed most. That is what being in the United Kingdom is all about (United Kingdom Quotes)
We are seeing, we have seen in the last figures a significant drop in the number of net migrants coming into the United Kingdom. So we are cutting out abuse, we’ve restricted the number of economic - non-EU economic migrants. We’re cutting out abuse across the student visa system, particularly, and we’re having an impact (United Kingdom Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher was a 20th century visionary who understood the power of individual freedom versus the tyranny of government collectivism. She was a loyal supporter and friend of the United States and her terms as prime minister were marked as the beginning of the resurgence of the economy of the United Kingdom (United Kingdom Quotes)
You’ve got some very powerful countries: Poland, the United Kingdom, Sweden and others who have a genuine desire to see the euro zone straighten itself out. It’s good for all of us, whether you’re in the euro zone or not, to make sure that it doesn’t lead to a fracturing (United Kingdom Quotes)
We are keen to stress that a strong euro zone is good for a strong United Kingdom. It’s not for us to write the changes that the euro zone needs to embark on (United Kingdom Quotes)
In order to save the forty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, our colonial statesmen must acquire new lands for settling the surplus population of this country, to provide new markets... The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question (United Kingdom Quotes)
But in the first Gulf war the United Kingdom was not under any threat from Iraq, and is still less so in the second one. Then there is no justification for obstructing freedom of information, particularly as nations have a right to know what their soldiers are being used for (United Kingdom Quotes)
If you look at casualties, you find countries that had much higher loss rates per capita than the US. Denmark comes to mind, the United Kingdom, they have suffered heavy losses at various points, the Germans as well (United Kingdom Quotes)
I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World (United Kingdom Quotes)
I suppose that the media and their portrayal of Islam and the almost tribal separations and divisions of the Muslims are the greatest issues confronting Muslims in the United Kingdom (United Kingdom Quotes)
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