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One is the goals of 9/11 itself, of that attack was to draw the United States into Afghanistan to fight a counterinsurgency as the Soviets had done before them  (United Quotes) Well, Keith Alexander, the former director of the NSA wants to say every company in the United States falls under one of two categories, those that have been hacked and those that don’t yet know it  (United Quotes) I am the longest- serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. People of Vermont sent me to Washington as an independent. That is true  (United Quotes) The pope can go ahead and claim that Trump is not a Christian, but you can’t go there when we talking about the president of the United States  (United Quotes) The United States played the role of encouraging both sides to come together to try to finally resolve this issue, and we were pleased to see leaders on both sides work courageously to get that done  (United Quotes) Have a lot of respect for the responsibility that journalists have to ask tough questions, to hold the administration accountable and to be advocates for the citizens of the United States  (United Quotes) I think the Chinese will say the hell with you and pull their money out of the United States. That’s the end of our wars  (United Quotes) From the spring of 1941, I controlled all prices in the United States. You could lower a price without my permission, but you couldn’t raise a price without my permission or that of my staff  (United Quotes) The United States is guilty. We’re not treating people fairly. We’re not treating people with dignity. Building a wall is an affront and an insult, and we have no right  (United Quotes) I think it’s Greek Orthodox - who totally believes in the pope, not anything about attacking the United States, which needs to be because we’re not recognizing the dignity of all people  (United Quotes) He [Doanald Trump] had no business being president of the United States  (United Quotes) I think he [Donald Trump] is generally a good person, but you know what? He had no business being president of the United States. If I thought he did, I wouldn`t be running. I`d be helping him  (United Quotes) I think the terrorism watch list in the United States went over a million people some years ago  (United Quotes) There’s nothing that the United States can do. Nothing that would change systems in the Middle East, nothing the United States can do that would make the Middle East a better place  (United Quotes) The United States is now The Empire. There isn’t an empire; there’s The Empire, and that empire is the United States  (United Quotes) Go and try to start your own government in the United States today and you’ll be squashed very quickly  (United Quotes) Sometimes you hear in the United States that in Columbia there is a war between rich and poor, between people that are defending the poor and the rich  (United Quotes) I have a few memories of being young here in the United States, but almost no recollections of being young in Vietnam  (United Quotes) I don’t think that the United States cares. They just assume that North Korea will soon have nuclear weapons  (United Quotes) I think that the Detroit auto industry is important to the United States. It’s important for hundreds of thousands of Americans who have their jobs as a result  (United Quotes) The United States wants a strong United Kingdom as a partner. And the United Kingdom is at its best when it’s helping to lead a strong Europe  (United Quotes) It is better for a country to have a strong leader, this applies to the United States as well as to Rwanda  (United Quotes) Here is the thing: I have seen several times that anti-Russian cards are being played during domestic campaigns in the United States. I find this approach very short-sighted  (United Quotes) This is the political culture of the United States, which one should accept as is. The United States is a great country and it deserves non-interference and no third-party comments  (United Quotes) A 1999 report by a bipartisan federal panel on gambling concluded the United States should put a hold on further casinos until it is clear what the impact is on America  (United Quotes) In permitting gambling enterprises to flourish in the United States and abroad, the United States undermines global socio-economic stability in contravention of its international obligations  (United Quotes) The United States is not only the strongest, but also the most terrified country  (United Quotes) I don’t think Israel can accept an Iranian terror base next to its major cities any more than the United States could accept an al Qaeda base next to New York City  (United Quotes) Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away  (United Quotes) The prime minister of Israel is welcome to speak in the United States, obviously. But we don’t want to see this turned into some great political footbal  (United Quotes)
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