United Quotes

Text Quotes
Now, you might think of flu as just a really bad cold, but it can be a death sentence. Every year, 36,000 people in the United States die of seasonal flu. In the developing world, the data is much sketchier, but the death toll is almost certainly higher. (United Quotes)
I think what’s important to understand is if the United States hits the debt ceiling and is unable to pay its debts, the consequences will be immediate and dramatic. (United Quotes)
Shannen Rossmiller’s work in exposing Islamic terrorists has genuinely made our country safer. She has dedicated her life to combating the terrorist threat against the United States and has amazingly been able to infiltrate and actually stop terrorist operations. Our entire country owes her an immeasurable debt of gratitude. (United Quotes)
There is no doubt ISIS poses a clear, direct threat to the United States, and decisive action is badly needed. (United Quotes)
Russia will not soon become, if it ever becomes, a second copy of the United States or England - where liberal value have deep historic roots. (United Quotes)
In fact, I think - our view of this is that while the agreement, the compromise did not achieve the kind of super-sized deficit reduction that we sought, it did end the uncertainty around the perception, the possibility that the United States might default on its obligations for its first time. That was a good thing. (United Quotes)
We tend to think of human trafficking as a foreign issue, not something that could happen here in our own back yards. But it’s a fast-growing problem in the United States, in every area, with no real defined demographic. (United Quotes)
There’s the old saying that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. There are few better places to apply that adage than the drug war. It’s time to end it. It’s time to restore peace and harmony to Latin America and the United States. It’s time to end the failed war on drugs. It’s time to legalize drugs. (United Quotes)
The Commonwealth is a vital and positive partnership between countries striving to develop trade relations and promote democracy and human rights, united by shared values. (United Quotes)
The strategic partnership between the European Union and the United States is rooted in our shared values of freedom, human rights, democracy and a belief in the market economy. (United Quotes)
Imagine if the United States, in its war against Hitler, had said to Stalin: we don’t want your support until you make your country democratic. (United Quotes)
As members of Congress, we take an oath to uphold the Constitution and bear true faith and allegiance to the United States, not the Republican or Democratic party. I have been willing to stand up to my own leadership when it’s in the national interest. (United Quotes)
I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States. (United Quotes)
The transformation of the United States from a traditional republic to a democratic nation run in large measure by a single executive took a couple of hundred years. (United Quotes)
The United Kingdom has traditionally been a very small market, and even though you had such a creative group of designers, they represented a risk to department stores. (United Quotes)
The U.A.E. is a firm ally of the United States and deserves better treatment than it received in the Dubai Ports World fiasco in 2006. (United Quotes)
It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality. (United Quotes)
It is truly vital for the United States to assure that it is not attacked with weapons of mass destruction; to prevent wars in other countries from spreading onto American soil; and to maintain access to global sea lanes on which our economy depends. Beyond that, there is little or nothing in the world that should draw the United States to war. (United Quotes)
The fact of the matter is we went after Iraq for oil. And the fact of the matter is that the United States has degraded our role as a great nation by attacking this nation that had no capacity to attack the United States and no intention of doing so, that didn’t have anything to do with 9/11, didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. (United Quotes)
Some remain great cities, but they shouldn’t stand still. They should move in the direction of a knowledge-oriented society. Most cities have to do something to draw attention to themselves and make their particular assets visible on the international radar. I’m not talking about developing countries, but about the United States and Europe. (United Quotes)
Conservatives believe that international institutions such as the United Nations are anti-American and anti-Israeli cabals. Progressives do not like the economic medicine that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank force down the throats of developing countries. (United Quotes)
I believe that the United Kingdom can stay at the forefront in leading the world’s growth and development and also continue to play an important and even bigger role for regional stability and global peace. (United Quotes)
Show me one dictatorship in the world that has not been supported by the United States government or some European governments. It almost doesn’t exist. I think a dictatorship and hegemony are part of the same phenomenon. (United Quotes)
Feminists have convinced themselves that any difference between men and women is oppression and that women in the United States are an oppressed minority. This is such a lie. American women are the most fortunate class of people who ever lived on the face of the earth. (United Quotes)
Scientists in different disciplines don’t speak the same language. They publish in different journals. It’s like the United Nations: You come together, but no one speaks the same language, so you need some translators. (United Quotes)
I’ve seen a lot of the United States, having stayed in so many different cities and towns for work. (United Quotes)
Denmark is a small, homogenous nation of about 5.5 million people. The United States is a melting pot of more than 315 million people. No question about it, Denmark and the United States are very different countries. (United Quotes)
Like the United Nations, there is something inspirational about New York as a great melting pot of different cultures and traditions. And if this is the city that never sleeps, the United Nations works tirelessly, around the clock around the world. (United Quotes)
It is interesting to note that an overwhelming majority of citizens in the world’s three largest democracies have different religions: India (81 percent Hindu), the United States (76 percent Christian), and Indonesia (87 percent Muslim). Two of them have elected women as leaders of their government. (United Quotes)
When I was a lot younger, I did some work with St. Jude’s, but then we went on a ‘Red Band’ tour across the United States, and we went to a bunch of hospitals and had the privilege of meeting kids who are suffering or going through these different situations. (United Quotes)