United Quotes

Text Quotes
In a sense there is no ‘opposition’ in Bahrain, as the phrase implies one unified block with the same views. Such a phrase is not in our constitution, unlike say the United Kingdom. We only have people with different views and that’s ok. (United Quotes)
After the revolution you have the problem of keeping things going, of sorting out all the different views. It’s quite natural that revolutionaries should have different solutions, that they should split into different groups and then reform, that’s the dialectic, isn’t it - but at the same time they need to be united against the enemy, to solidify a new order. (United Quotes)
When I worked at Microsoft, I got to go and visit a bunch of different companies. Probably a hundred different companies a year. You’d see all the different ways they’d work. The guys who did Ventura Publisher one day, and then United Airlines the next. You’d see the 12 guys in Texas doing Doom, and then you’d go see Aetna life insurance. (United Quotes)
I don’t think Russia is setting this as a goal; I don’t think this should be Russia’s goal. I think even the United States doesn’t need to be a superpower. China doesn’t need to be a superpower. It’s a different world. (United Quotes)
If we allow the United States to set the precedent that national borders don’t matter when it comes to the protection of people’s information, other countries are watching. They’re paying attention to our examples and what is normative behavior in terms of dealing with digital information. (United Quotes)
When you brought the digital revolution in, all of a sudden, you could build a country like Singapore and take that country, which had the income per capita of Ghana in 1965, and make it something similar to the United States in one generation. (United Quotes)
I am well aware of the facts presented by numerous security experts on the many ways in which the United States’ digital networks have come under siege by cybercriminals and under daily assault by hackers in league with various foreign governments. (United Quotes)
What I want to do more than anything as president of the United States is to restore the honor and dignity and respect that this country is owed around the world. (United Quotes)
The United States already has in place comprehensive trade sanctions against Sudan, imposed because of the regime’s support for terrorism. While we maintain diplomatic relations, we do not staff our embassy there. (United Quotes)
The vision I see is not only a movement of direct democracy, of self- and co-determination and non-violence, but a movement in which politics means the power to love and the power to feel united on the spaceship Earth... (United Quotes)
I don’t want to get too nuanced, but we have the electoral college in the United States and that means we don’t have direct democracy. (United Quotes)
I had a chance to go on the Supreme Court of the United States, and my whole family was more disappointed in my deciding not to do that than in my deciding not to run for president - much more. (United Quotes)
The United States is a leader across a broad range of scientific disciplines. Our technological prowess is part of our greatness as a nation. Sadly, among the rich industrialized nations, we also lead by a substantial margin in the rate of poverty among children. (United Quotes)
There is a legitimate concern about wealth distribution in the United States, but the answer is not to scapegoat any individual who makes over $200,000 per year and to try to sell the fraud that the government can equitably take the money of those who have earned it and give it to those who haven’t. (United Quotes)
We must become the United States of America that represents every community, that represents every individual. And we will ultimately become a stronger nation, but right now we are a divided nation. (United Quotes)
The Mormons had a divine revelation in favour of polygamy, but under pressure from the United States Government they discovered that the revelation was not binding. (United Quotes)
I live in the United States, and I’m not moving. But from the standpoint of food safety, the countries in Scandinavia do it better than we do. It’s not that they don’t have food-poisoning incidents; it’s that there are many fewer in proportion to the population. (United Quotes)
In the United States, we can do almost anything we want. It’s not like Egypt, where you’re going to get murdered by the security forces. (United Quotes)
If one does not wish to take the word of journalists, human rights groups, and the United Nations that Iraq conducted a deliberate campaign to eradicate the Kurdish population, there’s always the word of the Iraqis themselves. (United Quotes)
The supportive care that we’re able to provide in the United States is so much better, so much more sophisticated, than what’s available in West Africa. ... So we can move that needle of survival way down. Even Doctors Without Borders in West Africa are moving the fatality rate from 50 percent down to 30 percent-I bet we can do substantially better than that here. (United Quotes)
I have not broken the laws of the United States or the laws of the Dominican Republic (United Quotes)
I don’t think that the United States cares. They just assume that North Korea will soon have nuclear weapons. (United Quotes)
Here in the United States, our profession is much maligned, people simply don’t trust or like journalists anymore and that’s sad. (United Quotes)
As a former secretary of defense, I think Donald Rumsfeld is the best secretary of defense the United States has ever had. (United Quotes)
Why should you use a term [rebels] in the United States and England and maybe other countries and use another term in Syria ? This is a double standard that we don’t accept. (United Quotes)
The United States came within a whisker of invading Utah in 1858 and starting a civil war three years before the Civil War. Because the conflict ended up fizzling out, it’s not the most dramatic story about the West. (United Quotes)
No one does a better, cleaner, or environmental friendlier, than the United States, when it comes to drilling for oil, gas, coal, oil refineries and fish friendly hydroelectric. (United Quotes)
I live in New Orleans, because it’s the strangest city in the United States. It has the highest murder rate in the country, the highest incarceration rate, and often we have to boil our drinking water, but there’s nowhere else remotely like it. (United Quotes)
There’s an unintended consequence when it comes to drone attacks in Yemen. Yeah, you take out the al-Qaida stronghold, but you also wipe out the other half of the block. That makes Yemenis against the United States for the rest of their lives and all their descendants. (United Quotes)
I sit on the Drug Policy Subcommittee of the United States Congress. I’m on the speaker’s task force. This is something people would rather turn away from and not face, but in fact it is possibly the greatest threat we face. (United Quotes)