United Quotes

Text Quotes
The forefathers of the United States were children of religious bigotry and persecution, and, as a result, fled Britain to create a new approach to life and government. They valued intellect and education. In fact, they outlined the principles of the United States’ democracy to establish intellectual freedom from the Church. (United Quotes)
All around the United States of America - in the cities and the counties - our public education is suffering and has been suffering. Cuts, cuts, cuts. (United Quotes)
I thanked President Obama for the United States’ work in supporting education in Pakistan and Afghanistan and for Syrian refugees. (United Quotes)
I went to India with UNICEF in connection with Manchester United to raise money for children’s education. (United Quotes)
I, for one, struggle a little bit with a $250,000 education for a philosophy degree. They are a wonderful people, but we can’t employ philosophers in manufacturing in the United States. We need a one- or two-year technical add-on for a high school. (United Quotes)
The United States has to go through structural reforms in terms of improving our education system or revamping our infrastructure or, you know, looking at some regulations that weren’t properly controlling excesses on Wall Street. (United Quotes)
It is a wry commentary on the value-system in the United States that one speaks there of teacher training and driver education. (United Quotes)
During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system. (United Quotes)
The law increasing and organizing the military establishment of the United States has been nearly carried into effect, and the Army has been extensively and usefully employed during the past season. (United Quotes)
Over many years, the United States has worked to persuade and compel governments around the world to abide by the rules. By spurning our own rules, we put that effort at risk. (United Quotes)
Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne illness in the United States, and the incidence is growing rapidly. In 2009, the C.D.C. reported thirty-eight thousand cases, three times more than in 1991. Most researchers agree that the true number of infections is five to ten times higher. (United Quotes)
New England has a strong tradition of localism. What is ordinarily called election day in most of the United States is called town meeting day in Vermont. (United Quotes)
There is one candidate in this election who will protect that dream. One leader who will fight hard to keep the promise of America for the next generation. And that’s why we must stand up and make Mitt Romney the next president of the United States. (United Quotes)
Once every 12 years there is a unique opportunity to reinforce the bonds between Mexico and the United States, when our presidential election cycles coincide. (United Quotes)
Two years before the last election you nor anyone else would have predicted that Barack Obama was going to get elected president of the United States. (United Quotes)
I’ve actually made a prediction that within 30 years a majority of new cars made in the United States will be electric. And I don’t mean hybrid, I mean fully electric. (United Quotes)
I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on June 15, 1916. My father, an electrical engineer, had come to the United States in 1903 after earning his engineering diploma at the Technische Hochschule of Darmstadt, Germany. (United Quotes)
My parents were born and brought up in New York City. My father was trained as an electrical engineer, and my mother was an elementary school teacher. They were the children of Jewish immigrants who had come to the United States from England and Lithuania in the late 1800s. (United Quotes)
The health-care sector certainly employs more people and more machines than it did. But there have been no great strides in service. In Western Europe, most primary-care practices now use electronic health records and offer after-hours care; in the United States, most don’t. (United Quotes)
One survey that I saw that was published I think in Variety or Electronic Media within the last three weeks says that now the average hour of radio in the United States has 18 minutes of commercials. (United Quotes)
A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I’m using 15,000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that. (United Quotes)
The only possibility in the United States for a humane society would be a revolution with Elvis Presley as leader. (United Quotes)
A child gets a fever in the United States and it’s high enough and sustainable enough, all of us can bring a child to an emergency room. Most Haitians never had that opportunity. They didn’t have the emergency room to bring them to. Virtually every time your child has 102 fever, you wait for it to die and you have no clean water to give it. (United Quotes)
The challenge for corporations, if offices were to become obsolete, is twofold. How will they be able to retain their distinct cultures? And how will they be able to ensure that all employees, wherever they work from, share a united identity and vision? (United Quotes)
You need companies investing in these countries, so women have employment opportunities, and you also need these forces of conscience. Without the activists, in the United States we would still have child labor, we would still have 16-hour days. (United Quotes)
In the five years since the end of the Great Recession, the economy has made considerable progress in recovering from the largest and most sustained loss of employment in the United States since the Great Depression. (United Quotes)
Mankind must put an end to war - or war will put an end to mankind.[Address before the United Nations, September 25 1961] (United Quotes)
No other nation killed people the way the United States did to end slavery (United Quotes)
No country in history ever sent mothers of toddlers off to fight enemy soldiers until the United States did this in the Iraq war. (United Quotes)
My entry into the field of hydrogen came as a great surprise. President Bush of the United States was interested in hydrogen for energy applications, and I was asked to chair a committee on hydrogen for the Department of Energy. (United Quotes)