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Universal Quotes

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Well, I called him and I said, mr. Wright, what can I do? Universal offered me a contract $300 a week. He says take it. You’ll never get that money from me  (Universal Quotes) Hear the words of prudence, give heed unto her counsels, and store them in thine heart; her maxims are universal, and all the virtues lean upon her; she is the guide and the mistress of human life  (Universal Quotes) Man’s striving for order, of which art is but one manifestation, derives from a similar universal tendency throughout the organic world; it is also paralleled by, and perhaps derived from, the striving towards the state of simplest structure in physical systems  (Universal Quotes) If reason is a universal faculty, the decision of the common mind is the nearest criterion of truth  (Universal Quotes) We have a plan that creates universal access programs at the state level which allows folks to access insurance if they’re denied by their insurer  (Universal Quotes) Universal was absolutely marvelous about sitting down with me and listening to my input. It wasn’t something where they chose a bunch of songs that were best sellers. They did a marvelous job on the packaging. It’s a beautiful tribute  (Universal Quotes) Surely man was not created to be an idle fellow; he was not set in this universal orchard to stand still as a tree  (Universal Quotes) My style is a very universal sound, which is very close to where I grew up  (Universal Quotes) Our tragedy is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it... The basest of all things is to be afraid  (Universal Quotes) The universal narrator knows all and can enter a character’s head any time he chooses  (Universal Quotes) Only very slowly and late have men come to realize that unless freedom is universal it is only extended privilege  (Universal Quotes) May you live your life as if the maxim of your actions were to become universal law  (Universal Quotes) It should seem, then, that the nature of society dictates another, a higher branch, whose superiority arises from its being the interested and natural conservator of the universal interest  (Universal Quotes) The nature of our free will is the comprehension of our unique place within the universal order  (Universal Quotes) Perhaps the artist is nothing more than the personification of this universal maladjustment, this universal disequilibrium  (Universal Quotes) There were never in the world two opinions alike, any more than two hairs or two grains. Their most universal quality is diversity  (Universal Quotes) Paradox is thus a much deeper and universal concept than the ancients would have dreamed. Rather than an oddity, it is a mainstay of the philosophy of science  (Universal Quotes) We want to know in order to make ourselves free. That is our life: one universal cry for freedom  (Universal Quotes) During all my wandering through two decades and two continents, I’ve found nothing more pathetic than the universal misery of young boys trying to charm young girls  (Universal Quotes) Both induction and deduction, reasoning from the particular and the general, and back again from the universal to the specific, form the essence to scientific thinking  (Universal Quotes) The gift of song is just like... I think music is one of those true things in this world that is universal  (Universal Quotes) For us, universal values such as justice, morality and peace cannot be disputed and it is for this reason that we pursue the restoration of historical truth  (Universal Quotes) What’s great is that because math is such a universal language, really, our fans come in all shapes and sizes, all ages and genders and races and backgrounds and cultures  (Universal Quotes) Our approach was very simple. It was about creating a universal language. A show that will be attractive toward every people coming from all over the world. And that was a big thing  (Universal Quotes) I have always held those political opinions which point to the universal brotherhood of man, no matter in what rank of life he may have taken his origin  (Universal Quotes) Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged against provisions against danger, real or pretended from abroad  (Universal Quotes) At our college we were taught a universal approach to find out about a person: what problems the person has, what difficulties, what personal tendencies and likings  (Universal Quotes) Talent is not universal but it is widely spread: Give enough people the capacity to create, and inevitably gems will emerge  (Universal Quotes) Poetry is a transfusion of the ephemeral blood that sustains the universal heartbeat within human society  (Universal Quotes) Seldom can philosophic genius be more usefully employed than in thus rescuing admitted truths from the neglect caused by the very circumstance of their universal admission  (Universal Quotes)
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